
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 21, 2013 2:28 PM. The previous post in this blog was Tri-Met's agenda -- mostly about more rail to nowhere. The next post in this blog is Tri-Met posts dead e-mail address for fed funding comments. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Enjoy that bread smell while you can

It's nothing more than a rumor, but it comes from a source that we respect:

It is secondhand to me, but I heard that Franz Baking and Portland Bottling told the board of the Central Eastside Industrial Council that they are both looking for locations outside of the city. They’ve had issues getting trucks in and out, especially since "the cutlet," but I understand that the paid sick mandate was the last straw.

You know, the Franz site would be great for a Joe Weston apartment tower, wouldn't it? Portland Bottling, too. Then when Super Carole gets done trashing Benson High, we could build some more hipster dorms over there. Vibrancy galore.

Comments (33)

Franz bakery is union so the sick leave should not be a issue

Super Carole better turn Benson to condos before the Widmer Brothers see it's on the market. She has to keep the Jeff cluster going ($$$) or it's political suicide for Super Carole and the Super PPS Board. All this at the sacrifice of the only tech high school in the city to help provide decent jobs for those students who are motivated apply tech knowledge and skills to advance a long term career and make a good living.

Flash back to the infamous "we hate freight" comment. Here's an excerpt from this April 2011 Dave Lister piece:


But business people are skeptical, particularly after Portland's incoming transportation chief, Tom Miller, made a jaw-dropping proclamation at the Central Eastside Industrial Council's April 15 meeting: "We (Portland residents) hate freight."

Indeed, the City Transportation Bureau hates freight. Does that include those B-Line bicycles? Thats' freight too, isn't it? Somehow I doubt it.

This city is favorable to developers.
No friend of the neighborhoods or businesses.
What a fix!

Jobs? We don't need no stinkin' jobs! Just places for new arrivals to live, who somehow afford $1,200 rental units with no jobs.

I guess the powers that be really want to make this a reverse bedroom community.

People will live in the city and commute out to the burbs for work.

Kinda screwy.

So the big spinning loaf of bread will one day be a big spinning...

(add your image here)

Meh - Franz has only been there for a century.

No biggie.

Don't be surprised if you see PDC involved into developing properties into hospitality/lodging supporting the Oregon convention center and their central eastside proximity to downtown. You have the Lloyd Center nearby which has fallen on hard times.
All in the name of "tourism dollars" and thus not keeping the bakery and bottling company jobs. Guess it doesn't fit the Portland style.

So the big spinning loaf of bread will one day be a big spinning bicycle.

a big spinning statue of Sam.

a big spinning green dollar sign.

The paid sick leave mandate may not affect a company directly, but added to an overall increasing burden of regulation it could influence a company's decision to relocate. After all, if the city fathers (and mother) decide they can mandate sick leave, what might they decide they can mandate next?

They already decided it was OK to medicate our drinking water.
It was only the quick work/efforts of Clean Water to within 30 days gather all those signatures to even put it to a vote.
We have reason to wonder what next!

If you closed Franz Baking, Portland Bottling, and Benson High, you could create a huge car-free apartment complex!

Clearly a better use of the land than current uses...

Don't forget there'll have to be a streetcar!

Way to go, Portland!

In this conversation, we shouldn't over look ESCO or the businesses in Rivergate

The bakery is all white bread, the bottler is totally un-hip soda. They have been a blight on Portland forever. Relocate the plants to Clackamas, or better yet, Camas. Then put in a light rail so the drudges from Rockwood can make make it. They are the only people who consume the stuff.

What a concept! Light rail on TWO bridges!

In the case of Portland Bottling, they use a tremendous amount of water in their business. If they leave, I wonder how much the fraudulent, ever increasing water rates in Portland would contribute to their decision.

Portland Bottling does a lot of different drinks besides soda, including Dutch Bros. Blue Rebel energy drink.

I think they sold the Portland Bottling building a couple of years ago, so I'm sure that's been brewing for a while.

But if I'm a manufacturing business that needs to get trucks in and out, why would I want to be in Portland anyways? They hate cars here. Besides, move to Vancouver and you can save the employees 9% on their taxes.

I'm waiting for ESCO and Daimler to pull out. Both employ a lot of people at union or white collar wages, and Daimler in particular is a motor vehicle manufacturer of large freight or DOD trucks. Sooner or later people will begin to ask, "Why are they still here?"

Sooner or later people will begin to ask "Why is anyone still here?"

So So Sad,

I ask myself often, why am I still here?

Last person leaving Portland, Please turn out the lights.
On second thought, leave em on,
PGE and PP&L will think they are still collecting money. Ha! Ha!

Washco should make a play for them. A perfect for both companies.

Despite the high rates, high volume water users like Portland bottling have helped mitigate the rates for everyone else. In the past I've urged the council to attempt to recruit more industrial water users to help reduce overall rates. That hasn't happened and as more like Portland Bottling leave the rate increases for consumers will accelerate.

What about the breweries, we have so many big and small? They also use a lot of water, soon to be flouridated. Why would they want to still be here, or will they even be able to afford to?

There are many "Welcome to Detroit" signs available we can use....cheap.

The car hater mindset of the Sam-Rand dynasty, along with help from Earl the Pearl, ram-rodded through their costly couplet thereby creating a traffic congestion nightmare that now takes place all hours of the day instead of just during the peak periods. Adding to the congestive mix of the couplet was the reconfiguring of the lanes that prioritizes bicycles on the 12th Avenue viaduct over I-84. Per Sammyboy’s failed administration, the motivation behind the couplet was 80% to provide more land for development (the reason the short section of Sandy was closed instead using it as a more common sense route for eastbound Sandy traffic), and only 20% traffic related.

Franz delivers bread in semi-truck doubles and triples – not with cargo bikes. If Franz along with Portland Bottling moves out, one of Sammyboy’s destructive aspirations of making more land available for new development will be realized – likely consumed by more bunkers with no or minimal parking, and an array of coffee shops on the ground floors. But as usual, for every action there is a reaction. Central city family wage jobs will be replaced with minimum wage jobs and part time work in those coffee shops. Employees working at the companies moving outside of the dictatorial grip of Portland will require longer commutes, likely by car, thereby increasing vehicle miles traveled.

Do we have great planners working on our behalf or what?
Unfortunately, I could believe that huge complex in construction being built right by The Old Wives Tale . . . built right out to the street. I wonder how many adjustments were made to allow this building or have all the good codes we had now been "taken care of?"

The noisiest companies get the most money to stay in Portland, and to offset the increased costs everyone else pays.

"Washco should make a play for them. A perfect for both companies."

I think transportation costs to all of the area retail stores would not be fortuitous for them, but that's just a guess.

Being central is good for them in regards to transportation costs.

As far as sick leave, I don't blame businesses for feeling like they got sideswiped as usual in this city, but it would not be a business-smart move to leave the area and state it was for sick leave.

So if they ever did leave, we'd probably never know the real reason, but I may be mistaken.

Clinamen wonders about the new retirement housing that 4-square Church is building "right out to the street" at 12th and Burnside. Well, the really Old Codes allowed you do do that (like almost every other building on East Burnside). Only the intermediate codes, (from 1940 to 1980 in many cities), required large parking lots in front of every building. But perhaps you think that the little-used full-block surface parking there was a better use of the land.

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