
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 8, 2013 11:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was It's almost like having a life. The next post in this blog is Surprise! Coliseum rehab all screwed up.. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Another multi-modal thief in Portland

A fun story in today's O:

[T]he passenger pulled out a three-inch to four-inch folding knife and held it to the driver and demanded money, according to a probable cause affidavit filed in Multnomah County Circuit Court.

The driver, Mohamed Mohed, ran from his cab, and called 911....

A bystander noticed and attempted to chase the suspect. He was able to grab the suspect's backpack before the suspect escaped on a streetcar.

About $300 had been from the cab. Police found the suspect's Oregon ID card inside the backpack.

The judge will probably let him off easy. Hey, he didn't bring a car downtown.

Comments (14)

He was able to grab the suspect's backpack before the suspect escaped on a streetcar.

Fortunately, a beat cop was able to walk to the next stop and arrest the suspect when the streetcar arrived.

^ Ha! Ha! Ha! ^

Reader: the other joke would be "fortunately police were able to easily identify the suspect onboard the streetcar, as there were no other riders at the time."

I'm telling ya, somebody better be getting some royalties from Bill McDonald! This is great stuff!

The suspect was able to board the streetcar, make his way from the rear of the car to the front in less than 3 minutes, successfully deploy the emergency hand brake, and vacate the car in a timely manner. He was subsequently arrested by the Portland Police Department, and offered a job by Tri-Met.

The $300 is income to the suspect, who is now liable for the Arts Tax.

If you steal $300 and then immediately lose it, you still owe the Arts Tax.

That is absolutely true.

[T]he passenger pulled out a three-inch to four-inch folding knife and held it to the driver and demanded money

ANd TSA just said these are legal to bring on board an airplane. Smart, really smart.

Well, you can't rob a bicyclist on an airplane.

Issac - yeah but you can bring a plane down and smash it in to a builfing. The 9/11 hijacks used box knives smaller than what is now being allowed back on to airplanes.

Identified by his Oregon ID card. Are you sure it wasn't his medical marijuana card?

Wow! You just can't make stuff like this up!

The thug/thief will have a law suit against all involved win 20 Million in damages.

usual progressive outcome.

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