
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 13, 2013 3:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was Cardinals go with youth movement. The next post in this blog is Breaking news: Nobody pays the Portland streetcar fare. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A sneak preview for Portlanders

The city of Scranton, Pa. is so deeply in debt over sewer projects and employee pensions that it's hired an appraiser to come out and value its sewer system, with an eye toward selling it to a private corporation. Sounds ominously familiar.

Comments (8)

2013 Mar 13 Wednesday 16:20 U (4:20 PM PT)

Would someone please send the links for these articles to:
1. Lake Oswego City Council.
2. Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce.
3. Tigard City Council.
4. Moody's Analytics (Bond rating entity).
5. Most of the "progressive" LO Chairs.
6. Portland Bureau of Environmental Services. RE - Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (TCWP). That services a portion of SW Portland and most of Lake Oswego.
7. CH2M Hill wrt TCWP

I am afraid if I do (again) I will be served court papers for dispensing the truth about future consequences of present actions.

And hey, buried near the end of that Scranton article was this pearl:

In other matters:

Council continued to table a parking-meter management agreement because it is still being reviewed after the public and council raised numerous questions and concerns.

"city's 2013 budget calls for spending some $22 million to pay a $17 million landmark state Supreme Court arbitration award to the city's fire and police unions"

Gee whiz, never heard that one before.

God, these politicians can't even come up with new and unique screw-ups.

So lets do a sale/leaseback on the sewer system - I'm sure they have a Randy Leonard there that has no problem jacking up rates just because he feels like it.

Leaky sewage line creates large sinkhole under Southwest Portland street
By Stuart Tomlinson, The Oregonian
on March 13, 2013 at 5:16 PM, updated March 13, 2013 at 5:23 PM

City workers confirmed, as did the smell, that a massive sinkhole on Southwest Green Avenue was caused by a leaking, 100-year old sewer line.

Just got my water/sewer bill, covering January through February. $54 + change. Oh, did I mention I live in Beaverton?

TheOtherDave - are you bragging? Ours in LO is about $100/mo. in winter, mostly from fees, not consumption.

The problem with selling a utility is that it is a monopoly everyone is required to use and pay for. Captive pigeons to be plucked by either the non-profit (presumably inefficient) city or a for-profit entity. However, with this situation, the for-profit business has no competition or much incentive to be efficient and keep costs down. Also, now would that arrangement work when public utilities are paid for with bonds and rate charges that are dedicated funds? Can a city just sell those legal and societal obligations away?

This has been going on for years in Scranton PA...

It all started when they stopped plowing roads in this guys neighborhood...the problem is that the elected decision makers live in a different reality from the tax payers once they start cashing those big checks and enjoy the upper class lifestyle.

Some scranton PA city counsel meetings... ENJOY!!!


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