
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 24, 2013 10:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was The O uncovers windmill tax credit stinker. The next post in this blog is New chapter in clown story. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

This guy might save North Plains

He says he's got a machine that processes food slop without most of the stink.

Goodall Hospital in Sanford, Maine, takes the dried powder from its Biogreen 360 unit — capable of handling up to 1,000 pounds of food waste a day, to create rich garden compost. Gene Coffin, director of environmental services, said the machine turns 750 pounds of daily leftover food into 35 pounds of compost — a big step toward the hospital’s goal of "total recycling."

If Portland's so gung ho about food slop composting, why aren't we trying out a few of these gizmos? Wait, don't tell me -- because a bunch of backroom deals have already been made with the stinkmeisters who pile the stuff up outdoors, right off the truck?

Comments (3)

"the dried powder from its Biogreen 360 unit"

Sounds like Soylent Green!!!
A hospital with an environmental director named Coffin talking about "total recycling"?!? hmmmm......

Well...aren't cemeteries the ultimate in recycling? Why do you think those trees grow so big so quick? That is if the caskets decompose too.
As for cooking the food slop, that makes sense. Our composting toilet at our cabin has an electric heater that.does the same thing at a slower rate with the "deposits" we make.
All run with solar power and batteries too!

Oregon fails to enforce rules against foul odors from industry, compost plants
By Scott Learn, The Oregonian
on February 25, 2013 at 6:07 PM, updated February 25, 2013 at 7:34 PM

This excerpt also shows what else that really stinks is DEQ's b.s.:

There's no timeline, but the state will set up an "accelerated" task force, including industry and activists, to improve odor regulation, says Nina DeConcini, DEQ's northwest region administrator.

"Our goal is to figure how to make the rules consistent, reliable and defensible," DeConcini says. "We know we have to do something."

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