
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 14, 2013 1:09 PM. The previous post in this blog was It can be done. The next post in this blog is More Sim City in inner southeast Portland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013


Here's our dubious distinction for the week:

According to data compiled by Portland police, Portland has more registered sex offenders per capita than any other similar-sized city in the country. It likely has more than any city in the country, but officers in the police sex offender registry detail have not run the numbers for every city.

Could having had a child molester as governor, and another as mayor, have something to do with it?

The story also mention this guy:

She points to a case three weeks ago, when Gordon Michael Strauss, a homeless man, moved here and claimed Northwest Ninth Avenue and Everett Street as his home.

Portland police notified principals at nearby schools about Strauss and his history of preying on teenage girls, strangers whom he would befriend and then rape at knife point. Lincoln High School scheduled self-defense workshops for girls. For two weeks, volunteers walked girl students to cars and TriMet stops.

Strauss left Portland after a few weeks, claiming he’d been chased out of town by publicity. With Strauss now Washington state’s problem, the chaperoning of Lincoln students stopped.

Nice try, but we saw him back at the onramp to the Fremont Bridge on Tuesday afternoon.

Comments (7)

Permissive progressive Portland polite. It's a feature of a tolerant liberal society that attracts the best of the homeless and political classes. More content to flaunt how great Pervlandia really is. Maybe we will get more NYT stories.

I wouldn't say that it's a feature of a "tolerant liberal society", but it's definitely Portland Polite. I'm thinking specifically of several diehard libertarians I knew during my days there that everyone within their circles knew had a thing for kids, but that they would pretend weren't an issue because "I've known them for years, and they wouldn't actually do anything." I fully expect to hear a repeat of the story of Ed Kramer (google "Ed Kramer DragonCon" for the details) any day now, when someone finally decides that to hell with Portland Polite.

Stu Rasmussen, cross-dressing Silverton mayor? The bearded lady Thomas Beatie, aka the “Pregnant Man” of Bend? I think the whole state is a little off.

Woo hoo! Keep Portland Weird!

I'm thinking the well-timed delivery of a few baloons full of warm fresh bio-material are in order here...Sorry for the lack of polite niceties on this one.

So cops knew his violent history, and did nothing... Nice city ya got there. Might wanna consider getting a concealed carry permit.

The question that should be asked isn't how many sex offenders are in Oregon, but, with its somewhat less punitive laws, does Oregon have a higher rate of sex crimes than other states? If rates are the same (controlling for state law variables), then spending more money for more punitive laws would seem to be a waste of tax dollars. And that research needs to be independent. Asking people whose livelihoods depend on the sex offender industry (police, prosecutors, sex offender therapists) is counterproductive. It's like asking Tri-Met management whether the Mystery Train to Milwaukie is a good idea.

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