
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 12, 2013 11:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was What's the deal with the Oregon Health Authority?. The next post in this blog is Library security hole reported fixed. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

On hold

On a Costco run the other day, we noticed that the City of Portland still hasn't opened the new lanes they've created on the south (eastbound) side of Sandy Boulevard for several dozen blocks starting at 122nd Avenue:

The paving work has been finished for many weeks, but the new lanes remain, mysteriously, closed to all traffic. What gives?

Don't tell us: The new lanes are for bikes, and we're waiting to find the money to paint the lines? Hey, come on, the project includes curbs -- that must make it a sewer project. And the aquifers containing the city's backup drinking water supply are under there -- that must make it a water project. Mr. Hales, tear down these barricades.

UPDATE, 4:58 p.m.: More information here.

Comments (6)

Uh, isn't US30 there an ODOT project?

Who knows? Whoever's in charge needs to get it over with.

I think ODOT doesn't allow final course of paving to be placed between 9/15 and 3/15. Something about it lasting longer that way.

This project doesn't add any new capacity to the road. It already had two traffic lanes, left turns at many of the section 8 apartments, and bike lanes.

I love the way they did all the grading and paving AROUND the poles and traffic lights in the street -- kinda' like the Chinese did with that man's home a while back. (Anyone have any good closeup photos to post?) Most governments relocate utilities and then pave. But not Portlandia. Once again Weird Isn't Working.

I could swear that Hales, Senior VP of HDR, just brought home the design bid build contract for waste water treatment... I wonder if it also has bike lanes in the design?

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