
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 11, 2013 9:30 PM. The previous post in this blog was Another article I wish I'd never read. The next post in this blog is Update on Fremont and 57th: it's a cluster, all right. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Frontrunner for new Pope: Michael Corleone

Those guys are gangsters, pure and simple. Granny, whatever you do, don't give them any more of your money! Find a charity that helps needy people and give it to them.

Comments (15)

Nice catch, but why not give the link to the original news outlet -- not the blog the fed off it?

Why don't you comment there?

I'm not sure that "Granny" still leaves her estate to the Roman Catholic church. But, the University of Portland and other church affiliations seem to be doing well.

I am rooting for Guido Sarducci.

The Catholic Church just needs to reinstate the selling of Indulgences, it worked pretty well prior to Martin Luther nailed his paper on the wooded door, back in 1517.

Jack, are there no good parts of the Catholic religion?

May I nominate Gustavo GutiƩrrez as a good part of the Catholic Church? Or at least a force for good within the church?

It's Father Guido Sarducci to you, Langston.

Read the book, "In God's Name" by an author whose first name escapes me...Yarrow? Talk about corrupt...sheesh.

The Catholic Church has a lot to answer for for many centuries!
The "gangster" mentality has been on going for centuries.
Wars, scandal, hypocrisy, fraud, cruelty, torture, death and destruction, the church has done it all, "in the name of The Lord".

Jack: Sad to see you attack the Catholic Church once again.

Any religious institution, or system, that leaves power unexamined or smothers sexuality with silence rather than promoting open conversation that can lead to moral and spiritual maturity becomes implicated in creating an unhealthy and potentially abusive environment. The Catholic Church is addressing the issue of abuse.

The Catholic Church helps millions of people every day of the week, every week of the month, and every month of the year. The Catholic Church educates 2.6 million students everyday, at cost of 10 billion dollars, and a savings on the other hand to the American taxpayer of 18 billion dollars. Needless to say, that Catholic education at this time stands head and shoulders above every other form of education that we have in this country. And the cost is approximately 30% less.

Interesting article written by a Jewish business leaders from Cleveland. Good advice that can help those that abuse power from any religion.


Too bad you "progressive" Catholics don't have more influence to really change the real power of the church which is still vested in a bunch of senile, old men!

Needless to say, that Catholic education at this time stands head and shoulders above every other form of education that we have in this country.

Any data to back that up? I attended a Catholic school - granted it was many, many moons ago, but people were making that same claim back then. When we started attending public school (because my 7-year-old, left-handed sister was called "the spawn of the devil" and forced to kneel on a broomstick when she used her left hand) we were at least a year behind the other kids.

I'm sure there are some excellent Catholic schools. But to make a blanket statement that they are all so much better than EVERY other form of education is something only a true believer would say.

The Catholic Church helps millions of people every day of the week, every week of the month, and every month of the year.

Yes, and it's an international pedophile ring run by misogynists. The empire is finally crumbling. Thank God.

The Goat Man cometh to SoCal cemetaries. Cheap, natural and, well...biblical.

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