
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 12, 2013 5:45 PM. The previous post in this blog was What, no streetcar?. The next post in this blog is No problem. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Come vacation in hell

Some people love cruises. We've never been on one. And we won't be starting soon.

Comments (10)

Pretty minor issues compared to this one.

The final indignity: getting towed to Mobile, Alabama.

From squalor and disgust to squalor and disgust.

Just the other day, a friend and I were doing our best to talk her young coworker out of signing up for a gig tending bar on a cruise ship. Being a passenger sounds bad enough lately, I can't even imagine working on one!

Been on one cruise with extended family. Just after we signed up, they decided not to allow children. So the kids in our group were *it*. The entire trip was spent dealing with a large number of self-entitled couples. These people shamelessly pushed in front of the children when the captain gave a tour of the bridge. The same people, when the cruise company asked us to assemble in alphabetical order to claim our passports to go ashore, tossed all of their passports to a friend at the front of the line - and got away with it. They also treated the poor Croatian and other waiters and help staff like they owned them. It was embarrassing. And try getting anywhere near the pool . . . or the washing machines. We all decided we could do without any more cruises.

Maybe in the meantime the Coast Guard should airlift some beavers onto the ship and have the onboard chefs make it all smell like a raspberry-vanilla sauna. That should calm the cougars down a bit. https://bojack.org/2013/02/another_article_i_wish_id_neve.html#comments

Ah, yes ... a cruise. I planned to take one to Alaska the summer before I started law school. Such a treat to divide the time from working to schooling, you know. Two weeks before the cruise started, the ship caught fire. My cruise was cancelled. I have NO MORE desire to go on a large-ship cruise. But a research cruise through Alaska's Inside Passage or a trip on the Alaska Ferry still sounds fun.

Carnival is the Wal-Mart of cruises....you get what you pay for.
The Alaska ferry system is good, and they use real sea going boats, not the floating hotels that have no sea keeping ability what so ever.

My family (and extended family) went on a Disney cruise in October and it was wonderful.

Sure, there were pushy, entitled people on board with us. But that's daily life in Special Snowflake America. We had fun.

Dave - glad to hear you had a good time. Bet there were more kids and families on board your ship. I think that makes it easier. We were 'round about Greece and Turkey.

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