
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 18, 2013 12:31 PM. The previous post in this blog was That clinking clanking sound. The next post in this blog is Why Portland streets will keep crumbling. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 18, 2013

15 hours later

The PoPo killed a guy in the parking lot of Portland Adventist Hospital last night about 9:30 p.m. Here it is 12:30 p.m. the next day, and hardly any information about the killing has been released. And of course, the paid press release warmers in the mainstream media aren't digging up any new facts.

There was a "report of a man with a gun." The police shot the man. A witness heard nine shots. That's about it.

The longer the delay, usually the worse the police conduct was. Let's hope that's not true in this case.

Comments (11)

This is not the PPB cop shooting you're looking for. Move along now.

The way things have been going for Mike Reese, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the event that will ultimately result in his termination as chief.

Well, for starters, did the guy have a gun? Usually the longer the time between the event and the full details about that event being released, the greater is the difference between what was called in to police, and what was really true.

Not that it excuses the delay, but it is President's Day. They're likely running a few people down today.

Don't you mean "gunning down"?

It takes a while to look up the instruction books on all of the different video cameras witness had confiscated... for EVIDENCE.

Remember that Portland police are taught that if they wait to see a gun it is too late.

Portland Adventist Hospital has a major mental health intake service. Think of the history of the this police department and reach your conclusions.

It's a slow news day anyway as the government hacks are off and the media people have little or nothing to report.

More recent reports indicate the civilian was guuned down by three heros of the PPB with nine rounds fired - a regular Hale of bullets.

If the three individuals were not police they would be interviewed separately, statements taken and compared. Why do I think this did not occur?

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