
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 31, 2013 9:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Dear Mayor Hales. The next post in this blog is Another $450 million for the CRoCk?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, January 31, 2013

When a bus runs a red light with a camera...

... what happens to the ticket? Does the driver pay it? Does Tri-Met? A reader who saw a bus run a camera-equipped red light and set off the telltale flash the other night wants to know. Maybe Al Our Palster can fill us in.

Comments (8)

No one pays the fine but if the city finds the bus parked on the street they will attach a boot.

When a person operating a GSA vehicle gets a traffic ticket the induhvidual is repsonsible for paying it, not the agency.
They may also be subject to administrative actions for the violation.

They are public employees, so zero accountability.

Like a cop or other LEO shooting somebody in the back. Or a tax dodging pedophile Mayor. Or Fireman Randy and his sauna permits. Zero accountability.

Driver pays it, and all fines they get while on duty

Fair question, but a good followup is if the driver is responsible, does the city go through the bus #s and times to determine the identity of the driver?

Come on Peeps this is old news. Business and especially gubmint agencies are exempt.


see : the 6th question

Q: What if the citation is issued to my business or public agency?
A: Oregon Law authorizes the citation issued to your business or public agency to be dismissed if you complete the Affidavit of Non-Liability identifying the driver.

Move along especially nothing to see here.

Fair question, but a good followup is if the driver is responsible, does the city go through the bus #s and times to determine the identity of the driver?

~~~>commercial drivers are allowed so many 'points' before their license is removed. I think its four. I think that's for one year.

Different violations are assigned different points. Not sure what a red light weighs but think its one.

Seems the underlying question still hasn't been answered. Does a citation even get issued, or do busses quietly get exempted?

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