
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 10, 2013 8:03 AM. The previous post in this blog was Another bad Portland cop gets off easy. The next post in this blog is Tri-Met director admits his incompetence. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Weather conditions deteriorating badly

Now there are large snowflakes falling here at StormCenter 9000.2. The size of dimes, they are -- maybe even nickels. And our thermometer warns us that the temperature has plummeted from 37.0 degrees to 36.8 degrees. Portland is slipping into some hazardous territory. Do not go outdoors for any reason. Be sure to wrap your pipes, and don't forget your pets!

Comments (10)

I'm just now opening my 40 day supply of emergency food and double chaining my car!

I had forgot to insulate my bunker, oh my.

Here the flakes are the size of trillion-dollar platinum coins.

Wake up Allan, you're having another one of your lib dreams.

Only raining here, but chained up for the drive in anyway.

PDOT just chained up the 1947 snow removal equipment,a rusty front-end loader, after checking in with the union to see it is okay to do so. Let it snow we're ready.

I'd love to be able to stay tuned to your reports, Jack,but just reading about being buried in all this snow is triggering a major anxiety attack and I'm low on meds.

"Be sure to wrap your pipes, and don't forget your pets!"

Wrapping the pipes was easy. Wrapping the pets? Not so much.

And for you Second Amendment fans out there, those snowflakes gently drifting earthward present a wonderful opportunity for target practice!

Did Charlie tweet about the snow or make an appearance in a rediculous hat? How did Portland survive the morning snow assault without our former Dear Leader to keep us safe?

Did anyone count the number of snow plows the City still owns?

I personally get a kick out of Portland claiming it's "buy local" campaign, and seeing a sea of Peterbilt and Kenworth snowplow trucks. Nevermind they're built in Tacoma or elsewhere, but we refuse to buy local Freightliner trucks...

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