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Saturday, January 26, 2013

The latest from the Sustainable Susan Show

Now the pointless bloggers sitting around in the Portland planning department are offering us left-wing book reviews. Please, please, Mayor Char-Lie, find some better use for this money.

Comments (6)

More preaching to the choir from the pulpit of the Church of Sustainability.

Locally a waste, but nationally a useful flytrap.

Actually a good book - the cruel irony is trying to implement systems the authors tout under the city's bureaucratic thumb is impossible.

I just tried to link to this - seems to have been taken down?

If they are so concerned about food, then they need to revamp their agenda of extreme infill/density. The open space and yards of single family homes are good for growing fruit trees and food. Community gardens are only available for a small population, not enough for all the people in the apartment bunkers they are building.
I have stated before, good fertile farmlands where I used to see food being produced are now growing the urban street trees apparently for the smart growth program as the huge trees stand in the way of infill development.
. . .which makes me question what these planners really do know about sustainability?

Clinamen, everything they know they read in books. And then they confirm what they think they know with one another so they don't have to be challenged by fact or reason. And then they have conferences where they exchange cards with grand sounding job titles at look-alike NGOs. Unfortunately, they don't just stick to what is sustainable, they throw in all kinds of stuff like social or economic justice, probably because those NGOs don't pay very well and they don't want to stoop to doing any real work. So you see, Susan is too good for the real world of work and someone has to pay her to keep her off the street and in a position to plot against the rest of us. It all makes sense in today's upside down world. Portlandia doesn't look so unrealistic any more.

What are the chances that Susan Anderson and Joe Zehnder will be let go? They do really poor work and they take rabid
anti-car, anti-kid positions.

How much did that book review cost to write?
The actual reports from BPS that I have read
are slapdash crap.

Susan- leave the reviews and publicity to Powells. Try issuing a report that looks at both sides of issues.

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