
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 22, 2013 11:13 AM. The previous post in this blog was Oregon legislature agenda: Lots of secret government. The next post in this blog is New York City is so never-going-to-be-as-cool-as-Portland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The avant-garde of chard

On the heels of the news that Fred Meyer is going to try some smaller stores around town come some details about the small, correct groceries that the ex-head of New Seasons says she's setting up. One is planned for Woodstock and another for NoPo. Residents of those two 'hoods will be able to drop $7 a pound for asparagus without increasing their carbon footprint.

Comments (7)

Her stores should certify that all the stuff they sell was delivered there by transport bicycles. I remember reading somewhere the strategy was they would be green convenience stores. Most stores of that type get the majority of their revenue from sales of beer, cigarettes and lottery. I suppose she could sell those new electric cigarettes, micro brew beers from that nonprofit and scratch off lottery tickets made from recycled paper. Also in the spirit of things sustainable there should be no car parking, just bike racks.

Customers can only purchase what you can carry in one hand anyway - no plastic bags allowed and you need at least one hand to steer your bike.

I have been to where that $7 a pound asparagus is grown in the Peruvian desert. Talk about carbon footprints!? It makes Bigfoot look like a prima ballerina. And the aquifer that supplies the water for that asparagus will be gone in less than 40 years the local tour guides proudly tell all the tourists.
But it's not much different in the Imperial Valley in CA where most of the lettuce, onions, califlower, citrus, and dates come from. There, all that is left of the Colorado River water is used up before it gets to the Mexican border 30 miles away or less.

Is making unaffordable food more "available" to the masses an attempt to solve the "food desert" problem we heard about, or a sneaky way to jump-start gentrification in target neighborhoods? Is it being subsidized by public revenues? Who's property values will it increase?

When government tells lies and tries to hide what they're up to, no question can be off the table.

And heavens knows, their pee don't smell.

More with the locavore. I would like to see a detailed list of what an Oregon store would have on its shelves month to month were it to confine itself to "locally grown produce and meat." I find 98% of this 'movement' precious and pretentious. Further -- and probably worse -- before this whole movement you could get stuff at farmer's markets cheap, not at 2-1/2 to 3 times grocery store prices. And that wasn't all that long ago.

I'm sure they will also have a host of gluten-free thisses and thats, another new trend (that will not last).

Lastly, whether it was the reporter or the owner who made the statement, neither meals nor food is ever "healthy." On a good day the people who eat healthful food might be.

I used to go to the Portland Farmers Market up by PSU on Saturday mornings and apart from all the kids and dogs etc, the longest waiting line was for the bakery concessions,not the veggie guys

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