
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 22, 2013 3:45 PM. The previous post in this blog was Is new library software unsafe to use?. The next post in this blog is IRS gets H & R Blocked. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Streetcar lemon guy gets deal for Admiral Randy Memorial Boathouse

It's a small town, peeps. The funny part is that the guy is a hard-core Republican. And so whatever's going on, it's not ideology.

Comments (6)

Now, now, the guys (LaHood and Blue-manure) passing out the do-re-mi without breaking a sweat are both pretty hard core Democrats.

Hey, don't be a bigot, it is an equal opportunity for everyone not just the HARD CORE DEMOCRATS . Sharing is good, hogging all the graft bad.

And I'm sure that boathouse will come under budget too...

I don't know how "hardcore" he can be if he accepted Obama's nomination and hasn't, at least in popular media, done anything to try to change the administration's policies.

Now, now, the guys (LaHood and Blue-manure) passing out the do-re-mi without breaking a sweat are both pretty hard core Democrats.

Errr...Ray LaHood was a REPUBLICAN member of Congress from 1995-2009.

A couple days before they were grounded, LaHood was on TV emphatically insisting that he would have no qualms whatsoever flying on Boeing's dreamliner.

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