For no one
11:07 p.m., Saturday night. We find ourselves behind, and then alongside, the eastside Portland streetcar, Grand and Broadway. We carefully scan the car to check the number of passengers. That number: zero.

For this and other pointless pork projects, we've essentially bankrupted Portland.
Comments (14)
It'll catch on.............:+)
Posted by Tom Dethloff | January 13, 2013 2:32 AM
We need to remember that Charlie Hales, when he was on city council, is the one who started streetcars in Portland, then resigned his city council seat to take a job selling streetcars to suckers around the country & world.
He is also the guy who promoted taking tax money from schools, social services, police and fire to promote building high density housing along light rail lines.
Posted by jim karlock | January 13, 2013 3:09 AM
Maybe they were taking cover to avoid stray bullets?
Posted by Mister Tee | January 13, 2013 5:31 AM
You're wrong Jack. That car is full. They're all laying down for the night.
Posted by Robert Collins | January 13, 2013 7:31 AM
About The Cincinnati Streetcar
The Cincinnati Streetcar is an electric mode of transportation operating in its first phase on a 3.6-mile loop connecting key communities in the city’s urban core. Running up to 18 hours a day and 365 days a year, the streetcar will be a vital complement to the city's existing Metro and other transportation systems.
The vision remains to create a streetcar system that spurs development and is part of a larger multimodal transportation system that links areas outside the downtown core and throughout the region. The streetcar system is envisioned to go from the River to the Zoo, University, and hospital area in Uptown. Read More
There's still time to stop theirs.
Posted by Love it | January 13, 2013 7:32 AM
My friend took a trip from 7th & Multnomah to Powells. It took him 3 hours to get there and back and he only spent 15 minutes in book store. Could have walked there faster and saved some dough too. No wonder no one is riding the monorail. I mean streetcar.
Posted by Kalbee | January 13, 2013 11:40 AM
"Monorail, monorail, monorail..."
At least Marge was able to save Springfield, but then again, that was fiction with fictional characters. Sadly, Portlandia is reality with real consequences.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | January 13, 2013 2:04 PM
In the times I have driven on SE Grand and MLK I have seen probably 10 people total on the streetcar.
I have trouble finding justification for having 30+ cars wait while a streetcar with no one on it other than the driver goes by.
Posted by Another Eastside Guy | January 13, 2013 5:44 PM
Because we can't seem to get the promised streetcars on order form the local builder (I think all they have is the prototype streetcar in addition to what was already on hand) riders in the downtown area who want to use the NS line are packed like sardines while the CS line to OMSI usually looks like the Flying Dutchman.
I find it useful to get from downtown to the post office at Hoyt (NW 10th & Glisan, then a short walk) because I don't have to wait for an overpacked NS car, but otherwise I fail to see that it is money well spent. Maybe the city was operating on the premise that when the zombie convention hotel is built and we're awash in conventions, conventioneers will want to spend 3 hours getting to landmarks like Powell's between attending seminars and sleeping off benders.
Posted by NW Portlander | January 13, 2013 7:53 PM
"If you build it, they will come." Adding a live band, a taco-bento bar,
and a 1/2 hour round trip makes this the perfect Eastside Streetcar dining experience. Maybe it can tow a Randyloo for use at traffic stops or congestion.
Posted by dhughes609 | January 13, 2013 8:58 PM
Maybe someone should rouse this woman to get a Club Max started for the 11pm shift:
Posted by Kent Mulder | January 13, 2013 9:46 PM
Is it that Portland’s Trolley Folly could be an overnight homeless shelter? If so, the City that supposedly works could save energy by just parking the streetcars near Old Town or in the trendy Pearl.
Posted by TR | January 13, 2013 10:37 PM
Homeless shelter....perfect!!
Posted by David E Gilmore | January 14, 2013 6:54 AM
And yet Tri-Met regularly shuts down or reduces service on bus lines with MORE ridership than the streetcar, due to "lack of need." Ironic. Oh wait, I meant, moronic.
Posted by Larry Legend | January 14, 2013 8:19 AM