
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 7, 2013 9:37 AM. The previous post in this blog was Bioswales from hell. The next post in this blog is Kate Brown takes over as press release champ. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Don't can us for Tasin' people, bro!

The scoundrel PoPo union gets all nicey-nicey to Mayor Char-Lie.

Comments (5)

THAT's nice-nice? Geez, I'd hate to know what kind of checks they were cutting for Nutsy while he was still running.

It's just an appetizer.

Gosh, that sounds corrupt. Couldn't we have some kind of public financing for campaigns for city offices?

No. It's unconstitutional. Not to mention a proven failure. Two words: Jesse Cornett. Or John Branam. Or Emilie Boyles. Or Chris Smith...

And then there was Nurse Amanda taking hundreds of thousands of property taxes to campaign, swearing she couldn't do it otherwise -- when all along she was willing to spend many hundreds of thousands of her own money, if that's what it took.

Nutsey also recieved a $5,000 check from Portlanders for Schools in late October when he had already crashed and burned. Portlanders for Schools would be the PAC that supported--Our Portland Our Schools --or a wasteful bond to rebuild schools at more than double the cost that the rest of the state's school districts are able to complete construction projects.

Think of all the PTA's in Portland that ponied up to four figures to support the bond and ended up supporting Nutsey....he supposedly knocked on doors in support of schools.

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