A voice from the grass roots
If you're as upset as we are about Tri-Met's immorally dangerous overtime practices, you should know that a young fellow named Noah Heller, who seems like an average Joe, has started an online petition drive. It demands that the governor shape up the Tri-Met board and the union so that the unsafe practices are eliminated -- and if they won't play ball, that the guv sponsor a legislative fix. It's easy to sign the petition, which is here. We did, if for no other reason than to encourage Heller and others like him to get, and stay, involved.
Comments (5)
The tour bus driver that crashed on I-84 was in violation of hours of service rules. 10 hours driving after 8 hours off duty. Commercial drivers are limited to 11 hours behind the wheel after 10 hours off. Why aren't TriMet drivers held to those standards?
Posted by Dan Watson | January 9, 2013 8:57 AM
Because Tri-Met is being run by incompetent political hacks?
Posted by Jack Bog | January 9, 2013 8:59 AM
TriMet drivers not subject to HOS rules...
Metro's food service facilities not subject to food handling rules...
Why is it that the government knows what's best for us, but then decides that the rules and regulations are too onerous for itself?
You'd think it'd be a poster child for the Republicans: "Even the other party sees that less government is best!"
Posted by Erik H. | January 9, 2013 10:09 AM
Tis a pity they don't have a union that is protecting them from such slave driving practicies....
But I understand the practices are condoned by their union.
Posted by tankfixer | January 9, 2013 10:48 AM
How else are bus drivers going to make over $100K?
Posted by Bill Holmer | January 9, 2013 11:00 AM