
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 11, 2012 9:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was Why do they need a special session?. The next post in this blog is It's beginning to look a lot like.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

(Yawn) Another police brutality judgment against Portland

This one a mere $306,000. The guy didn't even die! Nothing to see here, folks -- move along, go to your homes.

Comments (6)

Punched, Tazed and Pepper Sprayed and he only got $306,000.00? What a ***.

There doesn't seem to be any personal accountability for the officers who pulled this stunt. They will suffer no adverse consequences as a result of this verdict in their personnel files, etc. It's almost as if it's literally impossible for a private citizen to teach them a lesson. Sure, the victim gets compensated, but the City of Portland pays the award. The officers just chalk it up to a rogue jury influenced by a slick trial lawyer, and their superiors don't seem to get the message either. This bureau is in need of a major shake up. The citizens of Portland deserve much better than this.

Let me see if I have the PPB priorities straight.

This guy pays a cover charge at the nightclub, Aura. They stamp his hand. He leaves and is refused re entry into AURA unless he goes to the back of the line and pays another cover charge. He has a verbal beef with the bouncer and trades words only with the bouncer. He leaves, and is just standing on the sidewalk when based on the bouncer's say so, they tackle and take him to the ground, tasing him twice when he objects and resists.

In the civil suit, Aura has NO ACCOUNTABILITY and city taxpayers do?

But in East Portland, a kid with a gun repeatedly terrorizes the entire neighborhood and PPB DOES NOTHING.

I must be missing something.

Either a private settlement with Aura & it's insurance company already occurred, or it is now imminent.

Aura has been long gone for months now.

I'm sure that Aura's insurer would have considered settling for the cover charge.


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