
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 10, 2012 4:53 PM. The previous post in this blog was From Matt Wuerker. The next post in this blog is Hell hath no fury.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Homeless camp in Sam and Randy's face to the end

Now the disgruntled Old Town property owner and his tenants at the makeshift camp at Fourth and Burnside are taking Portland City Hall to court to protest fines that are being imposed on them for illegal camping. Meanwhile, it appears that the camp may be holding back the city's inane plan to turn the old Grove Hotel into a youth hostel as a supposed "linchpin" of economic development:

The suit asks the judge to declare that the campsite is not a recreational park and waive all fines. It also argues the site should be designated as transitional housing accommodation under Oregon law, which allows for two such sites within a city – the first is Dignity Village.

Recently the campsite has come under increased scrutiny since developer David Gold, along with the Old Town Chinatown Neighborhood Association, sent a letter last week urging the city to come up with a longterm solution to the campground.

Gold plans to turn the Grove Hotel, opposite the campsite, into a youth hostel. The Portland Development Commission has approved a proposal to loan Gold and his partners almost $2.65 million for the project.

Gold says that the success of his project depends on leasing ground floor space to a restaurant. But a restaurant there would overlook the campsite. So as long as the campsite is there, he says, he will not get a tenant. Speaking several days before the rally, he said that city officials had told him that more complaints would spur the city to action.

It's hard to tell which operation is the bigger joke.

Comments (10)

Well, Gold will get at least $3 million and the camp will get fined

Should read:

"Gold says that the success of his project depends on *** a proposal to loan Gold and his partners almost $2.65 million"

I'd think all the youth hostelers would appreciate a little slice of urban grittiness.

I'm really curious on what kind of "fire hazard" Randy's going to gin up on this property.

What else can they do now that "Dignity Village" has closed? I understand Dignity Village was approved for only TEMPORARY housing.

Maybe the homeless camp can be turned into "alternative accommodation" and the youth hostelers can camp with the homeless as part of their Portlandia experience.

Isn't a "loan" from the public trough for a project that has no chance for success, basically theft?

Well, since Dignity Village isn't really "temporary" that leaves two openings for Gold's encampment.

One thing about Portland government, with so many convoluted, endless regs, favoritisms, loop holes, there's always a way to get back at them if you dig deep enough. And if you have enough money and willpower.

"Gold says that the success of his project depends on leasing ground floor space to a restaurant. But a restaurant there would overlook the campsite. So as long as the campsite is there, he says, he will not get a tenant."

Thought this intolerant logic was banned here. Oh well, doesn't matter, no one will understand it anyway.

Any time you would like to go down to Right 2 Dream Too and meet some of the people who live there and help it run let me know. It may change your perspective.

Piling on with Anne T. Poor folks in Pdx have got it together, at least at Dignity and R2D2.

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