
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 9, 2012 6:40 PM. The previous post in this blog was A holiday visit. The next post in this blog is On, Wuss-consin. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Flash Player plug-in for Firefox blows

It hasn't worked properly for months. The new releases just make the problems worse. Dear Mozilla, this is how you lose market share fast. Better call Adobe and work it out soon. We never thought we'd switch from Firefox, but the time is nigh.

Comments (19)

*quirks eyebrow* Err, Flash isn't developed anymore, it be dead...

Chrome browser is rather sleek and nice

Older Norton antivirus programs really suck to. They slow everything down, can’t multi-task and don’t threats.

Sorry - don't delete threats.

We dumped Norton long ago. What a joke.

Hmm, seems to be working fine for me on both my XP and Win7 machines.

It helps to reboot after upgrading and I always disable ads and unnecessary java scripts with NoScript and Ad-Block Plus, that tends to cut down the nonsense that cause strange performance and security issues.

After my last system restore, I sipped the cool aid and ran only Microsoft products with my Win7-64 bit installation. Despite keeping the install 'clean' (no IE add ons, etc.) the darn browser just ran slower and slower until it would frequently refuse to load objects in some pages. Cleaned cache, etc...no help.

I tried Chrome and haven't looked back. Very fast, very stable....the browser of choice, anymore.

Agree with Sw

let me try this again and hopefully the ipad keyboard won't fail me this time.

I agree with Swede. use noscript and adblock plus. They help to maintain a quick firefox. Avoid chrome. Google is way to nosy and the ultimate spyware.

one more thing. upgrade your boot drive to an SSD. It''s a big system speed boost.

Thanks for all that advice, but I just want to run a simple program that works the way it's supposed to. The current plan is to use Chrome for anything that seems Flash-heavy.

With Firefox,IE and Chrome at my fingertips it is Chrome all the way. Only use fire for special media download conversions, online pension only works on IE. So I have to have them available, but for everything else:

Go Chrome!

Yes, but I'm not real happy having Google control everything in my life. I've been pushed onto gMail, gCalendar, gMusic, gAds on my blog, it goes on and on. They've got pictures of my house, they know my wireless router's name... can I at least have somebody else's browser?

The answer is probably 'no'. Chrome is where it's at, for now.

I dumped Firefox cause it kept messing with Flash a couple of years ago. Went to Chrome and now it's just as bad if not worse than Firefox ever was. Both of them are memory sucks.

I'm thoroughly conversant in 20th century technology. Keeps me from having these 21st century anxieties.

I originally switched to FF because it was so much faster and cleaner than MS IE bloatware.

Now that FF has become bloatware I tried Chrome. True, it's fast and simple, but a little too dumbed-down for me, and I agree with Jack, I'm mistrustful of having Google databank every single thing I do online (though they probably are already anyways).

I haven't tried Opera, though I hear it's popular outside the US.

Another happy Firefox user here w/ AdBlock & NoScript with no flash issues.

Might be because I also use Flashblock addon:


But I'm running Firefox ESR version 10.0.11 because I can't stand the now-constant UI changes.

It's not just Firefox. I was using Comodo Dragon (based on Chrome) for 2+ years and finally switched to Firefox because the Flash plug-in in Comodo Dragon simply would not work. I switched back to Firefox 2 weeks ago and it's running OK so far...

Ralph Nader recently noted that he did not ever sent tweets, because that is not a feature of his Underwood typewriter.

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