
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 17, 2012 7:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Game report: Blazers 95, Pelicans 94. The next post in this blog is Buck-a-Hit Day is Wednesday. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Dear Leader Station

Aw, isn't it grand -- they're naming a fire house after Admiral Randy. And the City Council resolution was written up by the multi-talented Amy Ruiz. It's really special.

But surely we shouldn't stop there. What else should be named after Randy?

Comments (31)

the Leonard Loo. too obvious

I predict that, as the Leonard Loos become ubiquitous in the city and time passes, 'Taking a Randy' will become common usage in The City That Works You Over.

The crust that will be forming in plumbing and coffee makers, etc., from fluoride, aka "Leonard Lumps" and "Adams Accretions."

Of course, that crap (hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) or its salt sodium hexafluorosilicate (Na2SiF6)) isn't ever going to end up being put in Portland's drinking water, so those are merely eternally dishonorary monikers for Randy and his buddy the mayerr.

This is just gross. You know, when I see a building/street/whatever named for some historical figure, I just kinda naturally assume, "Hmmm. That must have been an important or interesting or accomplished person." Boy does this ever kill that thought process. Idiotic and the height of arrogance.

Randy Leonard = Dear Leader = Sexiest Man Alive
Maybe we should get him a white horse as a parting gift?

I really thought they should name the homeless encampment at the gate to Chinatown in Randy Leonard's honor. After all, we have him to thank for it being there.

Randyland has a nice ring to it. It's certainly snappier than Right2DreamToo.

Randyland rhymes with Candyland

What else should be named after Randy? Can you name a boot to the butt?

That food waste disposal facility in North Plains is begging for a name.

This pretty much confirms that it is not what great works you do for your fellow citizens, but how much pork you can secure for your buds.

We have degenerated to the least common denominator.

I thought it was bad luck to name things after people who weren't dead yet.

I enjoyed Amy Ruiz's answer to #10 in the "FINANCIAL IMPACT and PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT STATEMENT For Council Action Items":

"Is any future public involvement anticipated or necessary for this Council item? Please describe why or why not.


I presume "No" means to the describe why not phrase.

"Leonard Loo"

Done in one.

If the man had any shread of class whatsoever, he'd decline.

You know, when I see a building/street/whatever named for some historical figure, I just kinda naturally assume, "Hmmm. That must have been an important or interesting or accomplished person."

I think it's probably safe to assume that most of those designations throughout times and places are at least as two-sided, or false-fronted, as this one.

Questions 5 & 8 are goodies too.

5) Expense: What are the costs to the City as a result of this legislation? What is the source of funding for the expense?


8) Was public involvement included in the development of this Council item (e.g. ordinance, resolution, or report)? Please check the appropriate box below:
YES: Please proceed to Question #9.
X NO: Please, explain why below; and proceed to Question #10.

(space left blank)

I was thinking the same:

"What are the costs to the City as a result of this legislation?"


So I guess Amy Ruiz and the rest of the staff who prepared this are working for free these days.

So the Admiral can't just sail into the sunset!
Now we have to be continually reminded of him and the outrageous decisions
and betrayal by him to the community in which he grew up.
The connection I see with a fire station is that he hosed the people repeatedly.
No matter what Sam/Rand dreams up next to honor themselves, the truth will prevail. They can only cover up so much, and with 14 days left,
they must be planning on naming something for Sammy too!

"they must be planning on naming something for Sammy too!"

Too bad "the little boy's room" is already taken.

Fire Station!
The only thing we should name after him is a hose and put it on prominent display!

I thought it was bad luck to name things after people who weren't dead yet.

The Army Aviation Support Facility in Salem is named after Governor Kulongowski. Last time I checked, he can still fog a mirror.

What's worse is that they set up the sign, only to realize that the State Legislature didn't authorize the naming. So they had to cover up the sign with a tarp until the Legislature undertook the mammoth undertaking and shuffled papers through the otherwise eerie halls of the State Capitol Building, to pass the essential and life saving law that was to remove the tarp and allow the facility to be named after the former Governor.

When did we start giving fire stations names other than simply numbering them?

Hey, I'm all in favor of naming things for Sam Adams, too. As far as the supermassive black hole in the core of our galaxy is concerned, well, that has Sam's name all over it. Obscured by massive gas clouds, impossible to examine directly, affecting the motion of surrounding objects solely by dint of its overwhelming density...yeah, "Sam Adams" should be the standard term for this sort of object.

Hey, I'm all in favor of naming things for Sam Adams

I thought there was already plans to rename "Portland" to "Adamstown" or "Adamsville" or "Adamsburg" or "Adamsdam"...or just plan "Adams".

"The City of KatzHalesAdams"
Let us not forget this trio was in operation years ago.
Isn't there an expression what goes around comes around?

So...as I've asked before, if Randy gets a fire station named after him, how long before we get the "Charles Manson Psychiatric Hospital", the "Jeffrey Dahmer Culinary School," or the "Randy Gragg School of Journalism"?

How about Randy Candy, flavored with fluoride?

Give this hose guy a used toilet seat from one of the loos with his name on it and tell him to close the door behind him when his term is over.

Starbuck: The only thing we should name after him is a hose and put it on prominent display! Sam's hose? Ewwwww!
clinaman: Isn't there an expression what goes around comes around? Yes -- BOHICA

The piece of poop that came out of my butt while sitting in the loo.

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