
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 28, 2012 3:06 PM. The previous post in this blog was Your tax window is closing. The next post in this blog is Have a great holiday weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Big Brother wins again

Once again, Gatsby gets nowhere with his colleagues. Dianne Feinstein and the White House keep us headed inexorably back into the McCarthy Era.

Comments (11)

It is time to stop the Bush/Obama wars and to restore some freedom in the USA. The troops are great; the president is not.

At least our Senators were on the right side, trying to add a modicum of oversight onto the warrantless spying program. Obama forgot to filibuster the original bill as a Senator after promising to do so, and now he seems to think it was a perfectly crafted piece of legislation that must be retained intact. The terrorists won. Now everybody's a suspect, and must be watched.

Who's Ron Wyden? The name sounds familiar, but I just can't quite place him.

Lessee. It is "impossible" to estimate how many times they have invaded someones privacy. I guess they must do a lot of it.

This is frightening! Where are all the comments that should be here?

ltjd - Wyden is the Oregon senator from New York. He's been an Oregon senator for a long time and a resident of New York for about as long.

I guess we are all so used to being spied on that no one much cares any more. We are surrounded by CCTV cameras, our smart phones know where we are, so do the GPS devices in our cars, and who knows what else.

B.P. Red,
It is frightening!
I remember years ago when I heard of a camera in my area and when I went with my dog to the park nearby, I felt so violated, it really bothered me.
Since then, the spying has escalated. Mannequins in windows of retail shops with cameras to some TV sets apparently coming on the scene so spying can come right into one's home. What happens when one is afraid to speak even in one’s home or anywhere?
I heard a psychologist on the radio who spoke about this and how stressful this is on people, she suggested we need to go out to nature and get away from this constant being under surveillance.
Lastly, I consider the elected officials who have abused our constitution and our rights betrayers. Below is the list of the votes.

NOW I remember, Jo.

I get junk mail from him about every six years or so! Thanks for reminding me.

Now if only someone reminded HIM where Oregon is. I guess it doesn't really matter if it's working for him.

(And it's kinda funny you took my comment seriously... maybe NOT so funny, I wonder if a man on the street might know him)

And even further back, waaaay back, with the Star Chamber of the FISA "Court" and the judges who play along with it's menacing unconstitutionality.

And Wyden's grandstanding over a meaningless guestimation requirement is pathetic. Surely there's someone else in NYC who can run against Wyden in the next Oregon Democrat primary.

Herr Feinstein on the limp amendment:

"What this aims to do is to make public a program that should not be made public at this time," she said.

No we can't make this public till the constituion is destroyed and the citizens are no better off then all the other liberty-less humans in the world.

Hey what's that new world odor I smell?

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