
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 11, 2012 1:25 PM. The previous post in this blog was It's beginning to look a lot like.... The next post in this blog is Speaking of zoo parking. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Another 11th hour hosing by Fireman Randy

There are 20 days left until Portland is rid of the Sam Rand Twins, but they're busier than ever screwing the city's taxpayers on their way out the door. This just in from the folks watching the city's rogue water bureau:

We learned yesterday that Randy Leonard is ramrodding through a series of reservoir contracts at Wednesday's Council agenda, his second to last session. This is truly outrageous in light of the information we uncovered, on Rochester achieving a 10-year deferral of their open reservoir projects until 2024 -- well after the time when the EPA onerous rule [requiring that the reservoirs be covered] is expected to be revised.

There are four related items on the Council agenda. Two of the items are contracts associated with the Bureau's "current vision" to demolish and replace the Washington Park (WP) reservoirs on site, items 1456 and 1457. These are 8.5-year contracts, an unheard-of initial length for such a consultant contract. The four items on Wednesday's agenda are 1453 and 1456-1458.

Randy is clearly pushing through these items to make it harder for the next Council to secure the relief that could have been achieved by now if not for Randy's interference.

And it's a no-bid deal, of course.

The Fireman will go down in history, although not the way he thinks.

Comments (15)

Yeah, as the flaming a-hole that he is.

Too bad we have zero accountability from our legal flacks, like the DA.

This stuff has to be illegal.

Portland is making Camden, NJ look like an honest place to do business.

Hosing the public is what Fireman Randy is famous for. Just like Sammyboy, the hose guy is an obsessed control freak. That said, there is more to these ordinaces than meets the eye. If passed and implemented, the picturesque and historical 100+ year old Washington Park reservoirs will be destroyed. It is just like the Sam-Rand duo to destroy a historical treasure.

All the demolition and URD "visioning" that's been going on around here for the past 10 years would've made Robert Moses proud.

Maybe a state or federal attorney?

Scratch state; friends of Neil & all that.

Private attorneys general take heed! A call to action!

Flaming a-hole is right, Mojo!
I just wish I could call hi that to his face and not risk my entire life's work!

Heh. He'd probably take a swing at you and give you a bonus payday. He's an out of control, out of balance, narcissistic and insecure P.O.S.

"Scratch state; friends of Neil & all that"

And speaking of neil, he and his lovely wife are back:


Interesting comment from link above posted by steveo:

"I'll tell you what they want, folks: They want it ALL." —Noam Chomsky

This is very well what may be at play here in our community with some wanting it ALL.
Our resources, our pipes, our water and our water rights, and and and . . . .
This is far more serious than most people in our city know, and what is going on tomorrow in council is overwhelming, and some of it being done with an emergency ordinance.

The * indicates an emergency ordinance, which takes effect immediately if passed. Non-emergency ordinances require two readings and a 30-day waiting period before taking effect. Resolutions, reports, etc., adopted by Council are effective after adjournment.

In my opinion, looks to be an emergency to a Christmas gift for some, but short shrift for others, we the public. The public needs transparency on these matters. Remember last year at Christmas, our Portland Water Bureau pulled a maneuver when we the public were told the state granted a variance for the treatment plant and then PWB went over to Clackamas County to get the permits ready for a treatment plant! The PWB and Leonard including Council who go along are not to be trusted. God knows what they have up their sleeves this Christmas.

No sleuthing necessary here. Leonard is the classic Xmas grifter
for corporate takers of any part of our resource commons. Lame
duck quacks away even though the Water Bureau's own plans
were not to begin for 2 years. Our baby reservoirs in years compared to Europe (some are over 500 years old) operate just
fine. This baby man likes to dig way too much...into our pockets,
and our soil. He will be on JoAnne Hardesty KBOO 90.7 FM tomorrow for an hour (Thurs). Call in from 9a to 10a.

Our reservoirs are on the National Historic Register, what good is that designation if our council can destroy them and in my view taking the heart right out of our city.
These people apparently have no heart so why should that matter to them!
These people making these decisions have no conscience putting our businesses at risk and hurting many citizens with enormous water bills and only more to come.
This needs to be stopped with the council asking for a Waiver.
They won't do it.
The Variance hasn't done it as it is temporary and allows city to continue spending and creating more debt.
Many water watchers have done their work and more, it is up to the public now to rise up by the thousands and demand that they act in the public interest.

I miss the days when Randy would actually show up here and defend his actions. I think his corruption is too indefensible now.


I know what Randy wants....

Old Zeb,
Great scene.
Thank you.

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