
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 26, 2012 9:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Gatsby's at it again. The next post in this blog is Out-of-office message. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

West Hayden Island fustercluck is classic Sam Rands

Portland's creepy mayor has pulled some crass stunts in his soon-to-be-over political career, but few if any have been as ham-handed and ugly as his attempted ramrodding of the paving over of wildlife habitat on West Hayden Island for a redundant shipping facility. You know you've bungled your mission when your own stacked advisory committee votes against you, which is just what happened Wednesday night.

Of course, none of what that committee says really matters, and neither does the fake planning commission hearing tomorrow night. As the City Council demonstrated quite clearly in the SoWhat immigration jail debacle, it does whatever it wants to do, process be damned. In the Hayden Island case, if the clown mayor wants a council vote in December, there'll be a vote in December, and of course, he already has one yes vote from Fireman Randy no mater how outrageous the proposition. Surely one of the other three bobbleheads will go along.

No doubt the mayor is trying to please the Goldschmidt overlords at the Port of Portland, since he's out of work come the end of next month and perhaps the Network can find him something if he delivers for them. What a sorry time for Portland.

Comments (3)

I can almost hear the speech now:

"We have since discovered that this was a very bad idea, but the process is too far along now to stop it without exposing the city to costly legal action. However, rest assured, Portlanders. We have learned from our mistakes here and we are taking careful steps to ensure that..(all together)... nothing like this ever happens again."

In Sam Adams's Portland, it is more difficult to put your groceries into a plastic bag than it is to pave an entire island.

Awesome slam, Dave J. -- 'cept it's Neil Goldschmidt's Porkland.

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