Uneasy rider
A reader sends us a photo and -- can you believe it? -- a complaint about Tri-Met:

Take a look at the attached photo. This is a seat on one of the new MAX trains. Notice the white lip encroaching on what should be leg space? This is just one of many horribly designed features of the train. Probably half of the seats only fit people under 5'5". The train fits bikes well and stand up passengers. I feel totally fleeced.
It is to humble you, comrade. Humility builds strength -- strength that can be put to work in the service of our dear leaders in the West Hills. And so you must treasure that cramping in your lower extremities; it is the sensation of freedom from planet-destroying fossil fuels.
Comments (11)
One of transit's dirty little secrets is the fewer seats, the more people can get on the vehicle (standing up!)
Posted by jim karlock | November 5, 2012 12:15 PM
The 400 series rail cars are real crap compared to the 300 series.
Posted by reader | November 5, 2012 12:32 PM
TriMet will probably replace those perfectly good (if cramped) 400 series cars with the type 6 cars, before they retire their 17-22 year old buses that are mechanically worn out.
Posted by Erik H. | November 5, 2012 12:38 PM
Great photo. You can practically smell the stale urine.
Posted by Allan L. | November 5, 2012 1:12 PM
Incidentally, I drove alongside one of the new streetcars this morning at around 10:30, heading south, from the Convention Center to around the Hawthorne Bridge. 2 riders. Nobody waiting at any of the stops.
Posted by Dave J. | November 5, 2012 2:02 PM
My Chevy 3/4 ton has all the leg room I need, without the bums, heroin addicts, and pan handlers. No thanks...
Posted by HMLA-267 | November 5, 2012 3:40 PM
I thought that was a litter box we were looking at....
Posted by john dull | November 5, 2012 3:53 PM
All the regular riders have a riding strategy depending upon the type of train. For this particular model, if I'm able to find a seat, I sit on the aisle. Having that ledge in the picture jab into your calf all the way downtown is nearly unbearable. This particular model has some seats that only a dwarf could fit into and are basically unusable. I believe these were the trains that Tri-met bought from the compnay that later went bankrupt. Not only are they uncomfortalbe, but they seem to breakdown more often than the older models.
Posted by ron | November 5, 2012 7:44 PM
This particular model has some seats that only a dwarf could fit into and are basically unusable. I believe these were the trains that Tri-met bought from the compnay that later went bankrupt.
Nope. The "Type 4 LRVs" are Siemens S70 models, made by that big huge German conglomerate Siemens. Basically a newer, "improved" version of the Type 2 or Type 3 cars. (The Type 1 cars were built by Bombardier, which at least is in Canada.)
The company that went bankrupt was Colorado Railcar, who built the WES cars. And they didn't actually go bankrupt, they basically shut themselves down and liquidated. Of course, not without TriMet taking effective control of the company for the last several months of its existence, with TriMet employees moving to Colorado to manage the company and pay the utility and phone bills and make sure payroll was being met.
Posted by Erik H. | November 5, 2012 8:21 PM
I'm a long-time Trimet user, and after many strange happenings, I nearly never use MAX anymore. A bit of streetcar, but mostly buses. MAX just isn't right.
Old and smelly as they are, buses still seem to be safer (and less prone to total system meltdown). They also go a fair piece closer to where I want to go.
Posted by Downtown Denizen | November 5, 2012 8:23 PM
I don't commute and I long ago learned to stand up when riding MAX. I'm 6'4" and none of the seats fit me, much less give me legroom
Should I file a discrimination lawsuit?
Posted by T | November 5, 2012 8:37 PM