
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 6, 2012 9:41 PM. The previous post in this blog was Fritz wins. The next post in this blog is Undaunted. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Real estate transfer tax ban passes handily

It isn't close -- statewide, Oregonians don't want there ever to be a real property transfer tax. Multnomah County voters are fine with the idea, of course -- us included -- but in this case, they'll be outvoted.

Comments (6)

The ballot measure appears to have been defeated per the information on the Elections Division page.
Yes Votes 577,739 46.12%
No Votes 675,047 53.88%

Was he talking about the other one?

Yes, the commenter has the wrong ballot measure. The estate tax repeal (and more) measure failed.

The long-standing property tax limitation notwithstanding, our property taxes are high, our property values are down. Many people are already going to lost money if/when they sell their houses. To throw a couple or few thousand dollars at the state on top of the thousands of property taxes paid every year is not the way to solve Oregon's structural tax problems.

I dislike most constitutional amendments but I bore down and voted for this one.

So how does this affect the WA county RE transfer tax?

Steve, I believe the measure was written so as to grandfather in any prior local taxes.

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