Picking out his new office, no doubt

There's always room for one more played-out politician at the Patronage Center. But don't try the Mike Burton travel move, buddy!
There's always room for one more played-out politician at the Patronage Center. But don't try the Mike Burton travel move, buddy!
Comments (11)
Speaking of Mr. Burton, what is the latest on his "Travelgate"?
Posted by Mike (one of infinity) | November 16, 2012 8:24 AM
Of all of the Colleges, Universities, trade schools and online universities, Portland State is the most mediocre. PSU is the worst choice for investing in ones education a person could make. The administration is totally incompetent and corrupt. The teaching staff is totally useless and the professors are world class rejects. So is should follow that Sam Adams would fit right in.
Posted by John Benton | November 16, 2012 8:29 AM
lol. Isn't Adams - the "education mayor" - a college drop-out, too? Sounds like adjunct professor material to me!
Posted by ere | November 16, 2012 8:33 AM
Portland State Urban Studies Program: An indoctrination of students by control obsessed political retreads preaching socialism.
Posted by TR | November 16, 2012 9:41 AM
Or, to be more specific, "I'm hanging out in the Men's room at Smith Center. Just hoping and waiting."
Posted by RJBob | November 16, 2012 9:54 AM
Hi TR...
Ummm.. Chris Matthews said earlier this week that "urban" is another one of those racist 'dog whistle' words...
(try not to laugh too hard)
Cheers, It's Mike
Posted by It's Mike | November 16, 2012 9:54 AM
That's probably why he's growing that caterpillar under his nose - so he'll look more professorial.
Posted by umpire | November 16, 2012 10:34 AM
Umpire: so THAT's what that is. At least he isn't trying to weave a Tom Baker scarf out of his nose hair.
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | November 16, 2012 11:58 AM
I took a couple of courses at PSU. Sad to say I was disappointed at the quality of the teaching. Guess I expected too much.
Posted by Evergreen Libertarian | November 16, 2012 1:54 PM
There are no doubt some great profs at PSU, teaching important things. But there are way too many political burnouts, and people indoctrinating the innocent to the ways of "smart growth," which is just code for building high-rise apartments where once there were single-family homes.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 16, 2012 7:25 PM
Where... the twi-i-inks are...
Young fellows with lots of bills, need help paying that sky-high tuition, the crazy rent, and they can't afford a car, so they need a ride too.
Like it says on that sign in the infamous photo of you and a ... friend at the Nines: "NO MINORS"
Posted by Downtown Denizen | November 16, 2012 11:29 PM