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November 12, 2012 2:45 PM.
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Comments (16)
That was some thorough, in-depth reporting. Now if we can just get the same comprehensive coverage on Benghazi from a US news source. Besides Fox. Sigh.
Posted by Gil Slater | November 12, 2012 3:14 PM
House cleaning time at the Whitehouse. This has nothing to do with an affair. It is all about getting rid of the Bush/Clinton flakes and moving on to a whole 'nother bunch of imperial bozos.
Posted by Tim | November 12, 2012 4:30 PM
I'd say that it removes Petraeus from a Republican presidential candidacy in 2016.
Other than that....meh.
Posted by godfry | November 12, 2012 4:58 PM
I too wonder about "unpaid social liason officer". I saw a report that Dr. and Mrs. Kelley had hired a crisis management firm. I suppose that was coined by them.
If House Majority Leader Eric Cantor knew in late October, one has to wonder if the Romney campaign knew. Maybe this is why Mitt was so shy about Benghazi in the debates.
Posted by John F, Bradach, Sr. | November 12, 2012 5:52 PM
No, the term "crisis management firm" is pretty standard. Here in Portland, it was Gard & Gerber for a long time.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 12, 2012 6:01 PM
I know Gil the only one reporting on it is the independent FOX channel. The big news outlets just ignore this issue, a shame since it is such a huge problem.
...meanwhile, back in the real world. Patraeus was brought down because his mistress got into a spat with a prostitute? Nice.
Posted by Jo | November 12, 2012 6:48 PM
"Nice to see you, General. Is this your wife, or is this a business trip?"
Posted by Jack Bog | November 12, 2012 7:10 PM
I am aware of Gard & Gerber.
The crisis managers in Tampa are busy tonight.
Posted by John F. Bradach, Sr. | November 12, 2012 7:22 PM
I saw in the paper or network news that Obama only found out of his a couple days after the election. Someone should tell him about one of his ambassadors was murdered in Libya. The poor guy. He needs to take a vacation.
Posted by Morton Clarke | November 12, 2012 7:26 PM
And the folks in Charlotte need crisis management as well.
Posted by John F, Bradach, Sr. | November 12, 2012 7:29 PM
I think this shows Patreaus actually had no presidential aspitations. If he did, he could have merely said he had "caused pain in his marriage" and gone on to "not have sex" with an unpaid White House intern.
Posted by Newleaf | November 12, 2012 7:38 PM
Paula Broadwell lives in Reille Hunter's neighborhood. 1.6 miles away.
The parallel's are startling.
That's all I have to say about that.
Posted by John F, Bradach, Sr. | November 12, 2012 8:06 PM
is that anything like being a "personal entertainment contractor?"
Posted by The Other Jimbo | November 12, 2012 10:26 PM
A second general (marine) has been caught up in the Jill Kelley vortex...
Posted by bendover | November 12, 2012 10:51 PM
Is it me or do those Kelley twins look like the next round of Real Housewives of New Jersey?
Posted by jmh | November 13, 2012 10:39 AM
Well, a third military General is busted, too:
h/t WMR - WayneMadsenReport.comOnly three implicated generals, that is, if you don't count the other two so far: "... worth noting that the involvement of Petraeus and other flag rank officers, including ousted U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) chief General Carter Ham and Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette, the commander of the Middle East-deployed USS John Stennis aircraft carrier strike force. ... WMR is being informed by sources throughout the military services that a number of senior military officers throughout the world were involved in the Romney campaign's Jimmy Carter Strategy to embarrass Obama prior to the election and that the insubordinate, if not treasonous, behavior extended to Petraeus's reported paramour, Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Paula Broadwell.
Well, there, the cat's out of the bag. Perhaps many folks might get a large charge out of the electrifying news that shocked politics watchers and state officials in world capitals overnight, following the story in the Wayne Madsen Report .com website 24hrs ago. Seems that a planned coup d'etat is now caught in the act of attempted overthrow of the President of the U.S.
As WMR explained:
WMR goes on to detail the timeline and name names involved in the 'October Surprise' coup developed on or before Aug. 18, 2011, weeks before Petraeus was appointed to head the CIA. Accordingly, Romney was not the GOP candidate at that time, so it would seem not to be his brainchild. Instead, Karl Rove is "at the center" of it, plotting an election upset (trap) against Obama, ready-made and in-place for whatever (interchangeable) GOP candidate would ultimately be chosen. Along the way Aug.'11 to Nov.'12, there are at least two dead bodies purported to be 'suicides' -- a Secret Service agent (involved in the Cartagena, Columbia scandal of Secret Service agents compromised with Mossad-supplied prostitute 'honey pots'), and an FBI agent -- who were in positions incidental to the coup plot and might have (unfortunately) overheard 'too much' (and knew it). [WMR: ... A] "plot was being hatched, one that would create a firestorm in the Middle East and lead to the 9/11/12 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya by Ansar al-Sharia guerrilla forces."[WMR:] "It is also suspected that (in Benghazi, Ambassador Christopher) Stevens and his own background may have involved him in covert side assignments for the CIA. Stevens may have been made aware of the use of some CIA and Pentagon assets to plot with Romney against Obama." ...
[WMR:] "Washington Post fixture Bob Woodward reported that the Romney campaign offered him a "source" with detailed knowledge of the Benghazi attacks during the last week of October. Who may that source have been? A photograph has emerged of Broadwell with Romney campaign strategist Karl Rove on June 11, 2012."

[WMR:] "Rove has long been rumored to have close links to certain CIA operations .... The Broadwell connection to Rove is key. .... Obama never allowed himself to be drawn into the trap laid for him over Benghazi by Romney, Rove, disloyal military officers, and some CIA elements. There are indications the conspiracy against Obama was large. The same day that Petraeus resigned, officially over an "extramarital affair," Christopher Kubisek, the incoming CEO of America's largest defense contractor, Lockeed Martin, was fired by the company's board for a "close, personal relationship" with a subordinate. If such a series of resignations and forced retirements were to occur in other countries, the CIA would call them a government purge ...."
I have tried to limit this Comment to highlights of the WMR story. Altogether the details and plotline surely shocks the WMR subscriber base, which is small but select and includes heads of state and their staffs in capitals around the world.
WMR compares Patraeus's situation with that of Marine Corps General Smedley Butler, " approached by treasonous Republicans who wanted to oust President Franklin Roosevelt in a coup in 1934, playing along with the plotters until he could amass enough evidence to rat them out to the Congress. Petraeus is in a position to identify the treasonous plotters of 2012. They obviously include Cantor, Rove, Romney, Ham, and others who are, as yet, unidentified."
The 1934 plot of a coup against FDR named Prescott Bush among those involved. Comparisons with other infamous disloyalty (anti-America) plots seems reasonable for the 'grandiose' scale they have in common; viz., the CIA involvement with murdering JFK; the 'original' October Surprise, 1980, in which (Reagan) Republicans illegally supplied military materiel to Iran(!); or, even, Nine-Eleven Op. In those three, the first included Prescott and his son Geo H W Bush among names 'in the know;' the second included G.H.W.Bush being Reagan's V.P. candidate; the third involved him and his son Geo. 'Dubya' Bush under whose presidential watch Nine-Eleven Op was conducted.
During all the Grand Plots & Schemes in modern American history, the observing public was left guessing at what was going on in the distraction of insignificant details, secret or false testimony in Congress's Hearings, and censorship or suppression of massmedia 'news' reports. This time, however, we can compile information through the internet.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | November 13, 2012 5:33 PM