Petraeus letter of recommendation pal faces media
But the twin sister of the apparent other, other woman refuses to answer questions, thus raising more questions:
"We love to play piano and play chess, and our children also love to play piano, chess and cook together. Jill has loved and supported me through the years and I plan to love and support her unconditionally," Khawam said.
Remember when the National Enquirer wasn't serious news?
Comments (13)
The twins aspect may be culturally significant before this is done. I can't believe Natalie hired Gloria Allread to compete with sister Jill Kelley and Paula Broadhouse for media.
I wish Vonnegut was still alive.
Posted by John F, Bradach, Sr. | November 20, 2012 8:18 PM
I’ll never understand why some people feel the need to open their mouths to the press. And with a “Lawyer” at their side? Will Rodgers said it best, “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”
Posted by Bad Brad | November 20, 2012 8:45 PM
This season, on the all-new Dancing with the Stars!
Posted by reader | November 20, 2012 9:55 PM
Gloria A. The Al Sharpton of downtrodden women.
Posted by TheOtherDave | November 20, 2012 10:00 PM
Isn't America Great??!!
Here, you can monetize ANYTHING.
Even being the twin sister of the other, other woman has economic value, and perhaps beyond just her lawyer.
Remind me again, why do I care about the Khardashian family?
And more importantly, when the sex tape comes out, will we find out if Generals take their silly stars off when in bed, or is that against regulations?
Posted by Harry | November 21, 2012 8:39 AM
I can't believe Natalie hired Gloria Allread to compete with sister Jill Kelley and Paula Broadhouse for media.
I wish Vonnegut was still alive.
I know who Vonnegut was, but who's Broadhouse?
Posted by cc, jr. | November 21, 2012 9:40 AM
"I look forward to the day when I'm able to answer everyone's questions and explain what really happened," Khawam said.
Today sounds like a pretty good day.
"who's Broadhouse?"
Broadwell, Broadstone - Meh, they're all pretty non-descript and interchangeable bad actors.
Posted by Steve | November 21, 2012 10:38 AM
How about the Broad broad? How's that for an old-fashioned term of endearment?
She didn't even write that "biography." Why does nearly everyone refer to her as Petraeus' biographer? I might refer to her as the Field Researcher. The book is fairly well panned.
And do all the women in this saga have Bad Boob Jobs? When they scream "boob job," they're bad.
Posted by sally | November 21, 2012 11:09 AM
Broadwell, Broadstone - Meh, they're all pretty non-descript and interchangeable bad actors.
Feh, kinda like Holder, Rice, Petraeus, Clinton, Clapper, et al???
You never know whose misspelled name might be the next headline...
...but, at least, you tried.
Posted by cc | November 21, 2012 11:27 AM
I noticed that I misnamed Broadwell, Freudian slip no doubt. Campfollowers, all.
Posted by John F, Bradach, Sr. | November 21, 2012 2:47 PM
" I can't believe Natalie hired Gloria Allread ....
Broad's team has hired DeeDee Myers.
She was a fun press secretary. That junior high school kid Obama has is flat awful.
Posted by sally | November 21, 2012 3:37 PM
Al Sharpton is waaay cool -- I like and believe him -- which is opposite any realistic description of Gloria A. For one thing he's got his own TV show; in one hour he pushes LarsLarson rage buttons incoherent for ten hours. Sharpton is sharp, experienced. As compare: Everyone likes Rachel Maddow -- who sort of looks like Lars if he were a girl, and who (stronger than Sharpton) gets the bile pucker so contorted in Lars that he cannot speak her name and has no mind for her thoughts, and she kills LarsonFOX in the ratings -- MORE people listen to her than listen to FOX -- but I don't like her yet, because she needs more seasoning (and I don't mean seasoning in a Jon Stewart way, but in a Stephen Colbert way) to grow as great as Amy Goodman.
"The book is fairly well panned." And those who did NOT pan the awful book are the fakethinkers who to reject and not to listen to:
Brokaw Noonan and Gergen -- Lars likes & believes 'em -- lying to the camera all along. Few watching 'em. Nobody believing 'em.The posted link to ABC News reminds me to mention that Madsen recently made a couple snide references to 'mainstream media reporters' (such as ABC) using his investigation findings without attribution since, as he becomes renowned and named, in comparison 'mainstream' reporters are empty clothes horses and fashion plates beautifully speaking false information of negative value. Like Lars negative value.
Madsen was first to report truly Broadwell's bane Jill Kelley is twin of sister Natalie Khawam. He has reported a further ton o' facts that mainstream reporters (Brokaw, etc.) and their owners do not like people knowing and attaching dereliction malfeasance and subversion guilt on 'mainstream media'.
Wait for the next week's chapter in the pot- and blood-boiling Petraeus scandal news chronicles ...
Jill Kelley's world: White House visits, meals with generals, and name-dropping emails to Tampa mayor, By William R. Levesque and Alex Leary, TampaBay Times Staff, November 17, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012 - The White House Attorney Who Knew Jill Kelley: Michael J. Gottlieb?
Or don't wait to fast-forward (to Madsen) and read how it ends:

PHOTO: WMR. TV trucks parked outside Kelley's Tampa home. The Tampa media will jump at anything salacious in their coverage of Kelley. One TV reporter was informed about the dead presidential detail Secret Service agent found around the corner from Broadwell's brother's residence in Washington, DC. He shrugged his shoulders, saying, "I didn't hear about that."
Reference to "foreign intelligence agencies" is talking not about Russia or China, but about Mossad and MI6. Etc. As long as the sexplots stay on rolling boil, steaming up the lens of slackjaw 'reporters' who ask no questions, then only in the movies and the mazes of the mind could there be conspiracy of dictators to defy American democracy. hmmmmm....Is any of this on-topic? What's up with Gloria Allred?
double hmmmm.... hmmmm.... Things to consider. However, don't expect 'celebrity media' reporters even know what you know (by web reports, above, for instance), nor are they glad you know it.Posted by Tenskwatawa | November 21, 2012 8:31 PM
Khawam is a lawyer deemed by a judge to have lied repeatedly on the stand about her ex-husband in a failed effort to secure custody of her child. I think when a judge says a lawyer is an unstable liar, well, no smoke without fire, they say. Which raises the identical twins, it stands to reason that the Jill Kelly twin just might also be an unstable liar. (Or maybe they are mistaken about their identical-ness, or lying about it).
Thank God there are judges left who don't cave to the idea that the mother automatically gets full or joint custody because she has 2 X chromosomes. And freak shows like Gloria Allred give us all ample pause on the questn of chromosomes.
Posted by Gaye Harris | November 24, 2012 10:21 PM