
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 1, 2012 6:37 PM. The previous post in this blog was By the early 'dog's light. The next post in this blog is A big, slimy fish getting fried. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oh, goodie!

The unions and Hyatt Hotels are back in bed together, and so now Portland taxpayers can throw $111 million and up at a white elephant hotel complex to go with the white elephant convention center. Awesome, simply awesome.

Comments (6)

Gotta keep the developers keep the unions busy.

Maybe try voting for a "Tighty Righty " Occasionally Jack. If you keep voting for the party that is the wholly owned subsidiary of the government employee unions, expect more of the same.

This crap is coming from Metro and the county. In case you haven't noticed, there are no Republican candidates in Portland. We have the Goldschmidt Party, the Government Employee Party, the Green People, and the Marginalized People.

Potter was smart enough to reject this -- so was Wheeler. But they're both gone now, and our choices are all idiots.

I'm writing in Lavonne and voting for Buehler. Not sure what more I can do.

I talked with one who is retired today. He wants to leave, cannot afford to leave his home and move, and his taxes keep going up.
I can see it evolving now.
People eventually being taxed out of their homes to pay for all of this agenda.
Then what? I have written about this before, more density units being built to be filled by those who have been taxed out of their homes?
Those words by Rex Burkholder still haunt me when years ago I complained to him about the density housing, his response was that that kind of housing wasn't just for me but will be for the children and grandchildren.
Yes the plan has been down and years ago. We are the "Portland experiment" as I heard this morning on an EcoDistrict video.
There is really a rather dark side to this.

Jack's observation is spot in. This is indeed a one party town and to use an old agriculture axiom....We've been eating the seed grain.

Article says "one or two publicly-subsidized hotels"

First rule of government spending: Why build one, when you can have two for twice the price?

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