
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 9, 2012 3:10 PM. The previous post in this blog was Lefty talk radio falls off Portland dial. The next post in this blog is Have a great weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Nearly 19,000 write-in votes for Portland mayor

Nutsy Smith got about 78,000.

Comments (4)

Too bad there was no count to determine how well your Lavonne Griffin-Valade campaign went.

78,000 voters who don't know (or care) Nutsy had his driver's license revoked SEVEN times, couldn't keep a lawyer's job, or even maintain is OSBAR membership?

Nevermind all the nut-cracking, finger- poking, intramural-tossing manifestations of anger mismanagement?

What a ship of fools. It's like picking post-bankruptcy Sam Adams to manage the city's budget.

Portland is doomed, if only because those 78,000 voters will continue to participate in the electoral process.

MT - didn't realy think about it that way. I'm pretty sure he voted for himself, and I can understand his dad. Not so sure about the rest...

Be grateful, Oh Portlanders with half a brain. The guy was not elected. Today we learn that a congressman who has been hiding out for MONTHS in a psych ward, with a few recent out-takes for imbibing at his favorite bar in Chicago, has had two pieces of interesting news, at least, in the past week.

A) He won re-election handily while hiding out on the psych ward at the Mayo Clinc

B) Indictments for being naughty with his political spending money are in the works and likely to lead to jail time.

Seriously, our situation with the mayor race looks an order of magnitude more acceptable. And those of us who did not recently vote on the side of Chicago-style corruption can take comfort in being part of the 48% of Americans who have said- no more.

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