
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 9, 2012 7:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Studebaker hanging on in Lake O.. The next post in this blog is Flop sweat shining. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, November 9, 2012

More monkey business in Portland "transportation" bureau

Portland City Hall gets stranger and stranger by the week. Now the city's lame-duck "transportation" director, Tom Miller, is hiring a new p.r. flack when he knows that he'll be out on his ear in a couple of months. Miller, you may recall, recently lost a new job that he had lined up in Tucson because he flunked the background check -- we are not making that up -- but he didn't miss a beat in his cushy Portland gig, in which he was parked by Mayor Creepy. The new mayor wants Miller gone. He recently laid off his last p.r. person, citing budget problems, but now he's hiring a new one. Does that not smell funny to you? It does to us.

Comments (9)

I don't know, Randy's hey-boy, Ty Kovatch, also got a pretty good raise (like $140K) to work in PWB and he'll keep his job unlike Miller (I'd guess).

God, I get tired of the grift in this town.

Maybe the new guy will kick back a portion of his salary until Miller gets his credit cards paid off?

Let me guess, he's hiring his wife? Brad Malsin's wife?

After carefully reading the article, it says one of the job responsibilities is to do Miller's job when he's not there. Sounds like he's going to be taking a lot of time off before the end of the year to look for a new gig.

I have had Oregon Ethics Commission staff tell me that someone should have contacted them when the obviously unqualified Miller was given the high-paying job as a payoff for his loyalty by Creepy. A national search for a transportation expert has been the standard procedure for filling the role of Transportation Director. Adams has done nothing standard including lying to get his job. He will go down as Portland's worst mayor.

And if the Oregon Ethics Commission had been contacted? Would they have been able to stop anything? "Portland's worst mayor" would've gone ahead and hired him anyways.

The Oregon Ethics Commission is a bad joke. It's flea on the back of the corruption gorilla.

Miller is just another Sammyboy crony. How sweet it will be when he pedals himself out of City Hall, better yet, out of town.

Can't the Oregon Ethics Commission open a newspaper? Why do they need someone to contact them?

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