Is Stenchy moving to Lake Oswego?

The very-lame-duck Lake Oswego City Council is meeting tonight to approve a 10-year extension of its garbage hauling contract with an outfit known as Allied Waste. Critics wonder why the council is in such a rush, since the existing contract doesn't expire until 2014. But hey, this is solid waste management, and we can tell you from our youthful experiences in New Jersey that there are many mysterious aspects to that particular industry. Ahem.
Anyway, buried in the documentation for the new deal is this paragraph, which caught our reader's eye:

Does this mean that residents of Lake O. will soon be scraping the contents of their Royal Copenhagen china into a slop bucket for shipment to some God-forsaken hamlet like North Plains or Stafford? Who will clean out the disgusting bins lining the cul-de-sacs every summer? Let's hope they still have good help down there.
Comments (4)
At the July meeting when this was first proposed, Councilor Olson asked why now? She and Councilor Kehoe objected to proceeding, pointing out that this was more properly the business of the next council. She also raised the specter of reduced garbage service and slop buckets a la Portlandia.
Allied Waste admitted they wanted to get it done with the current council. Allied Waste and their government affairs manager both contributed to Councilor Tierney's re-election campaign. He lost, but as one of four lame ducks, will be voting on this contract tonight.
Posted by L.O. Resident | November 13, 2012 8:50 AM
I'm stocking up on garbage disposers before they are made illegal!
What? Do you think people are actually going to do what planners will them to do? Obviously planners live in an alternate universe or have never raised teenagers. The joke is on them. Guess where all my disposer-fed organic waste ends up. As compost. And the system is already there to deal with it. But if there are planners, they have to keep busy making new plans for the rest of us to follow. Not going to happen. We need to get rid of these wasteful planners instead.
Posted by Nolo | November 13, 2012 10:34 AM
Not to worry: it'll be just a few crab and lobter shells, and the occasional dollop of leftover caviar.
Posted by Allan L. | November 13, 2012 11:04 AM
Really Allan? Stop with the stereotypes already. Have you spent any real time here, other than in our chichi downtown, which is not the norm?
Posted by L.O. Resident | November 13, 2012 2:48 PM