Invasion of the "green" scofflaws
A reader near the corner of Barbur and Hamilton writes:
I've been disturbed about something I've seen in my neighborhood lately. It seems like these little Car2Go runabouts are being staged around town as adverts. We will often see 3 or 4 of these little guys parked within a block of each other, and I know they aren't being used by my neighbors. Furthermore, I've seen them parked, plastic still on the seats, where another C2G drives up, drops a driver off and both of them take off in formation (I saw this at IKEA of all places).My neighbors and I are starting to work this through our neighborhood association. We're generally a little testy about traffic as we're a cut-through neighborhood for OHSU commuters being between Barbur and Terwilliger, and we generally get the brushoff from the city (as they always know what's happening with their streets better than those of us who live on them).
We suspect they are at a minimum getting a pass from the city with parking permits (we are in an APPP zone so our street doesn't become a park-and-ride) if not fully sanctioned by City Hall.
He sends along some photos, which tell his story pretty well. Here's one that was parked in the same spot all day on Thursday:

Here's one parked facing the wrong way:

Here's one parked in a no-parking zone:

Here are three in a row taking up space on Terwilliger Boulevard:

Isn't it something how the friends of the politicians and bureaucrats in Portland don't have to play by the same rules as everybody else? It never ceases to amaze.
Comments (15)
I've seen them do the drop off thing in Beaumont. I thought that they were perhaps re-balancing the fleet. Does not seem like the fleet would maintain a wide disbursement without management intervention.
Posted by will | November 12, 2012 10:04 AM
It's a boundary issue. People drop them off at point nearest their house or bus line within the allowed zone so you can end your rental. Terwilliger is the western boundary.
You'll see a bunch of them near SW Iowa St. in John's Landing as that's the southernmost point you can complete your trip.
When you see them picked up, it's probably getting them back to zones where people use them more frequently (SE PDX usually).
If they're parked illegally, they can be ticketed like any other car and the renter eats the ticket.
Posted by Flynn | November 12, 2012 10:35 AM
That area seems to be a permanent Car2Go parking lot.
Funny, I thought the Aerial Tram [rimshot] was going to eliminate the need for cars on Pill Hill ...
Posted by Garage Wine | November 12, 2012 10:41 AM
I've often wondered about the same thing in regard to the trucks touting 1-800-GOT JUNK.
They always seem to be precisely parked in a spot for easy viewing from a freeway. Such a ploy for free advertising while avoiding the cost of a billboard.
More visual blight...
Posted by oregbear | November 12, 2012 11:20 AM
I am a volunteer with the Homestead Neighborhood Board tasked with traffic and transportation issues. We have scheduled a meeting with a representative of Car2go, OHSU, and a city PBOT representative between 6 & 7 PM Tuesday the 13th at the OHSU meeting room third floor. Please contact me if you are interested in attending or being notified of the meetings results.
Posted by Steven Gramstad 4024 VPT | November 12, 2012 11:45 AM
It's ok, because they'd probably end up with a massive Measure 49 fight if they wanted a billboard.
Posted by MachineShedFred | November 12, 2012 11:52 AM
I just saw one parked on a public street next to Micky D's on Swan Island.
Posted by DB Cooper | November 12, 2012 12:32 PM
I'm waiting for four high school football players to just pick one up and stash it between two light poles..
Posted by tankfixer | November 12, 2012 1:17 PM
Do these things count as cars?
What happens if you call to get them towed as abandoned? They don't have a e-tag (tax exempt) so I guess they are registered as private vehicles?
Posted by Steve | November 12, 2012 2:57 PM
I am not an attorney, however from my prospective it is highly probable the Car2Go agreement with the City that allows these vehicles to be parked just about anywhere with no time limits or required fees is in violation of Article I Section 20. of the Oregon Constitution that reads: “Equality of privileges and immunities of citizens. No law shall be passed granting to any citizen or class of citizens privileges, or immunities, which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens.” The City will argue the “same terms part” in that a Car2Go vehicle is a time share rental vehicle as opposed to a person’s privately owned car or truck, and therefore is allowed to bypass the laws related to individually owned vehicles. Where it becomes fuzzy is that Oregon now allows car sharing of private vehicles. The legal question here is weather the “same terms part” applies to the vehicle itself, which likely is the intent of the clause; or does it apply to how it is used. If it does not apply to the vehicle itself, the city could then likely set standards on even the color or brand of vehicle because the terms could be arguably different. The heart of the issue is that the privileges and immunities clause is not and has not been enforced, even by the Oregon Attorney General, and therefore precedence is lacking.
Posted by TR | November 12, 2012 3:33 PM
this ... agreement with the City ... is in violation of Article ... Section ... of the Oregon Constitution
What else is new in Portland, where government is 'creative'? And who's supposed to be the watchdog on the state level? Let's guess.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | November 12, 2012 7:41 PM
I'm think maybe I/m going to go rent a D-9 and go hunting for those little rolling pucks parked around town illegally. Slap shot!
Posted by Mojo | November 12, 2012 10:18 PM
For the uninitiated:
Posted by Mojo | November 12, 2012 10:19 PM
As an attorney, and cynic, I think you can do the constitutional analysis like this...
Step 1: Does anyone with money/clout give a rip? If YES then UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Step 2: Is it clearly, blatantly and obviously spelled out in the constitution to such an extent that even a half wit can see the violation? If YES then you might have a 50/50 chance if you spend the time and effort to bring the case.
Posted by JO | November 12, 2012 10:22 PM
TR: Car2Go pays a fee to the City of Portland for the parking it takes up. They are supposed to periodically revisit the fee schedule.
Posted by Garage Wine | November 13, 2012 8:18 AM