
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 21, 2012 3:10 PM. The previous post in this blog was New Multnomah County Courthouse scam odor strengthens. The next post in this blog is Have a great holiday weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

He oughta know

The Quotation of the Week, from Earl the Pearl:

"There's no persuading people who are unhinged from reality," Blumenauer said.

Comments (14)

I assume he's talking about Sam?

I used to comment a lot more because idiots like Bluemanure really pissed me off. I guess now I am just numb. I have come to the realization that since there is nothing I can do about them so I give up. History will show what a buffoon Earl and his supporters are; but by then it will be too late.

Blumenauer was riding in a car with a friend of mine who worked for the city of Portland a few years ago. While on I-5 on the east bank he made the comment "it's too bad we can't tear up all this freeway and turn it into a park".

"Where would the traffic go?" my friend asked him.

"They could use the surface streets," Blumenauer replied.

Talk about unhinged from reality.

Earl once again demonstrates his affliction by the psychological phenomenon known as transference. He should place a couple of these onto the wheels of his goofy bicycle lapel pin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k51MZuse5M

Hey Earl, it is more like there's no persuading congressmen who are unhinged from reality. The reality is that most people drive, including for approximately 80 percent of the trips made in Portland, and that generates jobs in the private sector. The lunacy is continuing to traverse back to the 1920s by funding obsolete and now public owned streetcar systems. The privately operated streetcar systems of yesteryear went out of business because they were not profitable. The right direction is taking a meat ax to the costly streetcar and bicycle infrastructure entitlement programs. Neither of these of these transport modes even come close to being financially self–sustainable.

"Go slow, he says and "lay a foundation to move forward.""

Remind me again the last time COngress passed a budget - Bloated or not?

I kinda actually agree with Earl, since Congress will never cut spending by $0.01, then maybe you need something like this.

As far as unhinged from reality there's about 535 reps, 100 senators and 1 President plus a whole lot of staff in DC that applies to. They are totally oblivious of what goes in in the real world - Like budgets.

My experience is that Earl sometimes misperceives that those who seek to move him where he does not want to go are unhinged from reality. I hope Ray LaHood sets down his shield and Earl gets Transportation. But, the CRC Bridge is too low, unless it matches I-205 Glen Jackson Bridge.

Earl makes a good living pandering to the dumb growth/condo bunker/envirofascist/transit Corporate cabal.

Wonder what would happen if we had a moratorium for a year?
Keep some necessary things going, but as far as Congress, lock the doors
and make them live on unemployment benefits.

Since half of the congresscritters are millionaires, you'd have to lock the doors with them inside.

All this hate against BlueManure makes me ask, who votes for this idiot?


Oops. Sorry. Dale Carnegie says you should not insult your audience, not that I care to win friends or fluence people. Never mind.

Who votes for these people?
I don't think Earl gets too many votes from those who comment here.
There is no accounting for what others do, those who are D's and will vote for a D no matter what they do. Then there are others who aren't paying attention and will unfortunately just vote for a familiar name. One would think they would have learned by now.

Comments in the Big O are about 99% thinking ole Earl is the unhinged one. Oh but he has some company - all of Congress, that has been on a spending bender for decades and now says no rush to get off the public tit.

Harry, thanks; now I remember what his high school nickname was!

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