Gettin' it on with Petraeus

You talk about a surge. Apparently the FBI picked up on it when another woman complained that the girlfriend was sending her harassing e-mail messages. Yikes!
Our tinfoil helmet tells us that there's something more than one incident of extracurricular whoopie that led to the big man stepping down. It's a CIA thing, and the FBI is also involved. Therefore, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.
Comments (20)
FOX is already pitchin' him with a reality series. You say Petreaus, and I say betray us....Let's call the whole thing off!
(Fred & Ginger in shades!)
Posted by Mojo | November 10, 2012 1:08 PM
Broadwell titled her Petraeus biography "All In". A touch of irony perhaps?
Posted by Langston | November 10, 2012 1:13 PM
Who's "gettin' it on" is the FBI boys taking down the head of a rival bureaucracy, that's who.
Posted by Allan L. | November 10, 2012 2:20 PM
"All In" is a classic suggestive title, reminiscent of Dan Quayle's book. Remember what an idiot he was? The title of his book was, "Standing Firm."
Posted by Bill McDonald | November 10, 2012 2:34 PM
Can't wait to see what the SNL crew does with this news tomorrow night!
Posted by Mojo | November 10, 2012 3:46 PM
The FBI breaks in and reads a person's email because someone complained that that person had sent a HARRASSING email???? The FBI cares about harassment? What the heck kind of harassment goes on over email that the FBI has to invoke these kinds of powers?
Posted by gaye Harris | November 10, 2012 4:07 PM
The FBI doesn't have to break in anywhere, if you mean actually going into a building. All our emails and all our phone conversations are accessible in our current surveillance state.
On a moral level, if we had employed this standard in World War 2, we wouldn't have had Eisenhower in charge of D Day.
My parents both served in France, and my Mom told me it was common knowledge among soldiers and, in her case, Red Cross workers, that Ike had a girlfriend.
You don't want your generals so pent up sexually that they can't focus.
Posted by Bill McDonald | November 10, 2012 4:35 PM
Wait. The head of the CIA couldn't keep his affair quiet? I find that amusing.
Posted by Jo | November 10, 2012 5:49 PM
ALL IN: the education of Paula Broadwell.
They start filming in Chatsworth tomorrow.
Posted by Mister Tee | November 10, 2012 6:13 PM
You don't want your generals so pent up sexually that they can't focus.
Suddenly I'm reminded of the photo op of Dukakis in the tank.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 10, 2012 6:38 PM
What the heck kind of harassment goes on over email that the FBI has to invoke these kinds of powers?
Two points:
1. Apparently the harassing emails were sent by Broadwell, but from Petraeus's personal email account.
2. Perhaps the main question involves the identity of the person who made the complaint. If she was, say, a VIP in her own right (member of congress, senior aide to a cabinet member, etc. etc.), then that would get the FBI's attention pretty quickly.
Posted by Dave J. | November 10, 2012 9:08 PM
Oh, you mean that Petraeus is exempt from testifying before a Congressional committee regarding Sept 11th attack on Benghazi? What a coincidence.
Posted by Concordbridge | November 10, 2012 10:21 PM
Private citizen or not, he was the head of the Agency during the Benghazi affair. If he wants to clear up the conspiracy theories and other BS, the best thing he could do is testify as planned. Simple.
He doesn't seem to have much to lose at this point, having been thoroughly disgraced. What's scandalous is that the FBI knew about this months ago, and POTUS left him in the position.
All the best scandals unravelled during the second term...
Posted by Downtown Denizen | November 10, 2012 10:33 PM
Gaye. Remember we're talking about the Director of the CIA. The only two more sensitive positions in the U.S. Government are the heads of the National Security Agency (signals intell,) and the National Reconnaissance Office (satellite intell.) Snagging men in such positions by sexual peccadillo (to compromise them) is as old as warfare itself. When you accept such a position, you are trained on such matters, and have to sign a number of forms surrendering every Civil Right you have. Further, you agree to participate (in any manner they choose) in any investigative effort they conduct. You have no right to counsel, the U.S. Consitiution, and the Uniformed Code of Military Justice do not exist. Google "Sgt. Clayton Lonetree." I was a Marine Security Guard at an Embassy in the mid east when that occurred. In very short order, every one of us were pulled in and interviewed by a host of security people regarding every relationship, associate, and sexual liasion we had been involved in since our posting. Prior to the interview, I was told "If you lie, to any degree, in any part of this interview, (about anything,) we'll lock you down for life so far they'll have to pump sunlight to you." That is a direct, verbatim quote (to the best of my memory.) The bottom line is, when it comes to National Security, they pretty much own your a**.
Posted by HMLA-267 | November 10, 2012 10:37 PM
Oh, you mean that Petraeus is exempt from testifying before a Congressional committee regarding Sept 11th attack on Benghazi? What a coincidence.
The election's over. You lost. You can let that little conspiracy theory go.
Posted by Dave J. | November 10, 2012 11:22 PM
Just because he won a second term doesn't mean he automocatically gets to finish it.
Republicans are still smarting over Nixon.
Posted by Mister Tee | November 11, 2012 5:08 AM
Automocatically. Wow, just wow. At least it's phonetic.
Must brew coffee before posting.
Posted by Mister Tee | November 11, 2012 6:30 AM
Yeah right 'T'. Obama would would have to lie under oath or ignore a security threat that killed thousands of civilians, or maybe lie us into a war in order to get removed from office.
Other than that he's probably alright.
Maybe if he unlawfully suspended the writ of habeas corpus and held people in a concentration camp for a decade, or killed Americans by executive order without judicial review, or wire tapped willy nilly or (gasp) okayed the use of torture. Or maybe okayed the killing of babies within the borders of allies without their approval.
Maybe that would end in impeachment and removal from office. But I doubt it.
Posted by JO | November 11, 2012 6:40 AM
The House can certainly vote to impeach (a.k.a. indict) the President - but will the Senate actually vote to kick him out?
Posted by Erik H. | November 11, 2012 7:23 AM
I remember Drudge reporting that a major sex scandal, affecting the Obama administration, was going to be reported by the Daily Caller the next day. This was on Halloween.
Posted by Molly | November 11, 2012 10:35 AM