
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 14, 2012 9:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was What country are we in again?. The next post in this blog is Microsoft burns more of your valuable time. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

5-Hour Energy is a heck of a way to die

We swore off caffeine nearly a decade ago. We cheat with tea, particularly iced tea, and a regular Coke now and then. But the decaf life is a lot better for us than the world of real coffee and Diet Coke, which definitely messed with our electrical system. (We try to drink water-processed decaf coffee, to avoid the solvents they use to yank the caffeine out of most coffee.)

People popping shots of heavy caffeine? It just seems dangerous to us in our geezerhood. That stuff would kill us in a short time. If you use it, you grow dependent on it, and there are moments when it's the absolute wrong thing to do to your body. Yet it's advertised in the mainstream -- on TV, at the ballgame -- like it's a modern convenience you needn't do without. "I wake up in the morning and down a 5-Hour Energy instead of eating breakfast." Good luck with that.

Given that our nanny state won't let you drink a quart of Sprite at a sitting, it's amazing that we're letting people wire themselves to death.

Comments (7)

I guess that Bourbon would be better, quicker reflexes when I drive.

I honestly believe that 5 Hour Energy will kill you faster than bourbon. Ounce for ounce, however, the effects on driving are probably worse from bourbon.

I swore off caffeine when I was twelve years old. People are shocked to find out it is possible not to be addicted to caffeine. I am shocked people allow themselves to be addicted. To all sorts of crap, not just the most widely abused drug in the first world.

Like blogging...

Got addicted to that stuff in law school. No good man.

Does caffeine have a negative impact on the liver? Probably not as much as booze but thought I read some years back caffeine not benign...

It'll stop your heart. That's all I need to know. Livers heal...if you let 'em. :-)

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