3.1 quake -- under Kelley Point

That's what this map seems to indicate. Happened about 6:15. We didn't feel a thing here at Blog Central.
UPDATE. 7:00 a.m.: We're getting conflicting reports of the exact location, but the feds say it was at 45.648°N, -122.765°W.
UPDATE, 7:02 a.m.: There have been seismic events at that spot in the past.
Comments (4)
Felt it here in North Portland. Was laying in bed and felt a small rumble/shake.
Posted by NoPoGuy | November 19, 2012 7:27 AM
Felt it too this morning in SW Portland. Just a quick bump and thought it might be a small quake.
Posted by cbb | November 19, 2012 7:41 AM
Felt it here in S Beaverton -the house had at least one good shake, more audible with items shaking for a couple of seconds
Posted by T | November 19, 2012 8:22 AM
I waiting for a minor quake to rupture the big pipe under the Willamette. The EPA said not to build it and the PWB bullheadedly went ahead and built it anyways. Thin about the world-class mess that will make.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | November 19, 2012 5:33 PM