
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 12, 2012 9:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was As Nutsy flames out, Nurse Amanda is a must-keep. The next post in this blog is Randy's nemesis getting his way on Cindy's site. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Season of the *itch

Felonies and gourds have one very important commonality: they’re both extremely f***ing real. Sorry if that’s upsetting, but I’m not doing you any favors by shielding you from this anymore.

NSFW, obviously, but the whole piece is here.

Comments (8)

Hilarious. "....invitation to an epidermis," same site, same guy:


I'm currently reading "The Cursing Mommie's Book of Day" by Ian Frazier; an NPR interview baited and hooked me. It has the same thrust of inside-out insight and creatively constructed rage, and it is hilarious. Is there an epidemic of something going on?

That is 1000 kinds of funny. Thanks for link.

I've always wondered if gourds were edible, and after reading all of that, I still don't know.

That was roll-on-the-ground LOL!! Wow!! I can't believe how naturally funny some people are!!

To bad he did not write it back in 1972. Then he would be as famous as George Carlin and his seven dirty words...


That writing is about as funny as a Disney kiddies sit-com, unless you think throwing the F-bomb every other sentence is funny.

Wow, grumpy seasonal writing with an edge- NOT!

Stewart Holbrook still has no competition.

"That writing is about as funny as a Disney kiddies sit-com, unless you think throwing the F-bomb every other sentence is funny."

Different strokes for different folks. Or as you might say, "confirmation bias."

I do think throwing the The Eff Bomb every other sentence is funny. Not sure why so many choose to be offended by it, but if they didn't it would stop being so funny.

So please, continue to be uptight. Do it for the 'lols'.


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