
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 9, 2012 10:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was "Made in Oregon" made in China. The next post in this blog is Avakian leads press release charge in September. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Average students screwed again by the Ducks

When the athletic department at UC Nike wants land for a new jock palace, the suits in charge of the university hand it over to them for a dollar. But when the jocks tire of a building and walk away from it, the academics have to pay nearly $500,000 a year to use it. Just another disgrace that happens when you sell your soul to be more like the University of Alabama. The fearless UO Matters blog has the story here.

Comments (4)

I agree they've sold their soul. AD Mullens continually refers to U-O as "our brand." Not "our school," "our state" or "our team." Our brand.

That's where it is and what it is, now.

Nike will continue to shower them with glimmer and shine until the new Oregon reality pushes outward.


Actually, we don't even use it.

I feel foolish. I stupidly thought that the Athletic Dept. was a part of the University of Oregon. In fact, I remember taking a few PE classes in the athletic facilities. I even assumed they were academic classes because they were required (5 credits/classes min.) for graduation. We even had a written test in the bowling class so it wasn't all fun and games.

So now my head is spinning a bit at the thought of a department of the university commanding payments from the latter and the university selling property to a department within its own organization. Bizarre.

I haven't checked yet, but is the AD a separate legal entity able to enter into contracts on its own without being part of the UO? Are all universities run this way?

Maybe if we are lucky Nike we leave and we can go back to being U of Oregon. The Rhode Island of the West. That quirky, funky, hemp smoking backpackers paradise with losing football teams and pure souls. Alabama football has been a disaster for that state.

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