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August 23, 2012 5:44 AM.
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Will Obama lose every swing state?.
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Oh, Canada.
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Comments (4)
Obviously this person is unaware of current laws in the United States.
Perhaps since he takes such pleasure in the subjugation of women he should relocate to another country like Saudi Arabia, where his beliefs would be the norm.
Posted by Portland Native | August 23, 2012 7:41 AM
Agreed. Perfectly stated.
Posted by realitybasedliberal | August 23, 2012 4:20 PM
Even TWO whackjob pols a day still adds up to, like, nothing.
Maybe the biggest Lie most-believed and -repeated is the 'meme' that Reptiles (or 'conservatives') are a significant percentage of the population. The true Reptiles are about 16% (1 out of 6). It simply is false to think or say 'conservatives are half (or more) of voters,' or 'America is conservative.' These 'meme' fables and similar ones were all made up by Limbaugh.
There are diminishingly few 'conservative' talking-point parrots. Those few (plus paid trolls) run around everywhere talking overly loud and stupid (as in FOX TV) repeating themselves repeating themselves ... until, yes, it feels like 'they' are countless and the air is filled with 'them' and 'their' bleating.
Indict, try, and convict whackjob pols (such as Oregon's Greg Walden), going case-by-case methodically and determinedly and we'd drive 'them' to extinction within two years.
Ohio GOP Election Board Member: Our Voting Process Shouldn’t Accommodate Black Voters, By Aviva Shen,, Aug 19, 2012
Posted by Tenskwatawa | August 23, 2012 11:00 PM
Yeah, well, America is the only country in the world where partial birth abortion, which is simply legally sanctioned infanticide, was allowed to stand for as long as it did, with the exception of China. Personally, I would support locking up women on the verge of giving birth who want to kill their babies. They are clearly out of their minds and homicidal, as are the monsters that agree to do the procedure for them.
Posted by Gaye Harris | August 24, 2012 7:14 AM