West Hayden Island screw job rolls on
The latest from the conservationists trying to stop the Port of Portland (and its accomplices in the City of Portland) from paving over bald eagle habitat on West Hayden Island:
Welcome to public process "West Hayden Island Style." For the past several weeks the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability has told us that they would allow the WHI advisory committee to review the revised drafts of the controversial West Hayden Island annexation agreements in advance of Tuesday's briefing before the Planning and Sustainability Commission, but that there would be no opportunity for the conservation community to testify. Now, at the last minute, they have reversed course completely-- they will allow one representative from the conservation community to testify, but they will not allow us to see the revised annexation agreements until during or after the hearing... meaning that we will be testifying based on old documents that will be outdated by the time the hearing is over. When you hear the city complain that this process is over time and over budget, you need look no further than this type of bizarre "public process" to understand why.Enjoy the sunshine and a wonderful picture of a spotted towhee taken by David Redthunder on West Hayden Island. This is one of the species that can be found nesting in the grasslands that the Port says have no wildlife value on West Hayden Island.

Comments (13)
"good urban development"
Strikes again.
Posted by Steve | August 13, 2012 9:03 AM
I like that the towhee is sitting in a dried up bramble of Himalayan Blackberry - one of worst invasive species in the region.
Posted by dg | August 13, 2012 9:22 AM
Jack, I couldn't find that message at the facebook page you linked to. Could you provide a more direct link? I'd like to read the whole message.
Posted by Chris Smith | August 13, 2012 9:38 AM
DG, Sure there are Himalayan blackberries on WHI---there isn't a natural area in the region that doesn't have a challenge with invasive species. One of the things that is notable about West Hayden Island however is that its interior forests are surprising healthy---the invasive proliferate around the edges but because of its size and relatively intact nature, invasives have not become as established on WI as elsewhere in the region. However if the Port develops 300 acres it will destroy most of the interior and leave mostly edge habitat exacerbating the challenges.
Bob Sallinger
Audubon Society of Portland
Posted by bob sallinger | August 13, 2012 10:03 AM
"Planning and Sustainability"....
Posted by Max | August 13, 2012 10:04 AM
Sounds remarkably like the "screw job" water watchdogs get. Work sessions about our serious water matter here, the EPA LT2 rule that will put our community into a billion dollar debt for a problem that does not exist.... and the public can only sit there and are not allowed to speak. Instead of trying to resolve and move towards a better solution, Leonard commands and reiterates as if in a time warp in 2004 how much he had done then, shows disdain and throws repeated barbs at those individuals who have pointed out the dishonesty and folly of the plans. That those officials in NY have gotten a reprieve until 2028 and asking for another to 2034 is of no concern as our officials refuse to do the same.
We the citizens of Portland should no longer tolerate this "put down" of our rights to speak and be engaged, I see this mode of operation, pure manipulation as downright cruel towards the people who care deeply about our city.
However, if these people making decisions for us are mere puppets, then that explains why they pay no heed to the citizen’s testimony at hearings and it is just easier for them to eliminate steps to cut to the chase.
Posted by clinamen | August 13, 2012 10:46 AM
Thank you to Bob Sallinger for your efforts in saving West Hayden Island.
Posted by clinamen | August 13, 2012 10:50 AM
Never mind, I figured which facebook gizmos I need to tweak to see it...
Posted by Chris Smith | August 13, 2012 10:55 AM
Someone needs to sue on the Hayden Island and reservoir issues.
Posted by Allan L. | August 13, 2012 12:54 PM
Portland Audubon and Hayden Island Livability Project are currently suing the Port for dumping of contaminated dredge spoils on WHI.Mikey Jones is suing the Port for illegal filling of wetlands on WHI. I expect that there will be a lot more litigation down the road if the Port continues to move forward.
Posted by Bob Sallinger | August 13, 2012 2:21 PM
Actually to be completely accurate, we are suing DEQ for allowing the Port to put contaminated dredge spoils on WHI....
Posted by Bob Sallinger | August 13, 2012 2:23 PM
Don't worry - the next legion of City Hall nit wits will come to the rescue...
I understand they are changing the plans as we blog - the new facility will serve as a transfer/processing center for dissidents and citizen activists.
Posted by Tim | August 13, 2012 2:37 PM
Portland Audubon and Hayden Island Livability Project are currently suing
we are suing DEQ
Which is essential to your business model, Bob - suing taxpayers constantly. It's why I stopped donating to Audubon years ago.
As I recall, Audubon sued to prevent USFWS and a couple of west coast zoos from removing all remaining California condors and placing them into an intensively-managed propagation program. Audubon eventually lost, but managed to delay the program for several years.
When the program began to achieve success, Audubon, in an amazing display of chutzpah, claimed credit for "helping to save" the condors.
That's when I decided to stop supporting litigious liars.
Posted by Max | August 14, 2012 2:53 PM