
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 22, 2012 9:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was Clackistan commissioners go total rogue. The next post in this blog is $60 a year to park in front of your own house? "You wanted it.". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Underdog game is on

We've gotten about a dozen and a half expressions of interest for another year of our charity pro football underdog game, and so it's a definite go. We'll get the official rules posted over the next few days. If you've already written us to say you're in, stand by for further instructions, which you'll get by e-mail; if you're interested and haven't written in yet, please shoot us an e-mail message at underdog@bojack.org so that we can reach you.

The idea of our game is simple: Each week, you pick one NFL underdog team whom you predict will win its game outright. If you're right, you get the number of points that your 'dog was favored to lose by; the players with the most points at season's end win. The prizes are the rights to designate one of the charities that will receive the entry fees our players pungle up (a Jackson apiece) at the start of the season. All proceeds go to charity; our winners get only glory. Last year a reader subsidized the kitty with an additional contribution, and our players' charities got $910.

If you think you know pro football, here's your chance to show off. And if you don't, you can still do well -- there's more than a little luck involved. You're cordially invited to watch the Big Daddies in a whole new light. The season kicks off two weeks from today.

Comments (6)

Mr. Bogdanski,
Thanks again for organizing your annual charity underdog football pool, because I really do need a break.

Every day, I read on your blog of the outrageous goings on of our local, state and federal governments, and I want to scream! Scream, like when it’s third and long and some crazy coach calls a draw play. Your underdog pool lets me scream, just for the sake of screaming. My friends “get it” about football; unfortunately, most are clueless about politics and their moneyed interest. I don’t bother them or debate them about it. We just enjoy the game and bitch about the referees and play calling.

Thanks in advance, for giving me the Fall football season to just enjoy the game of life. I will always root for you Jack, you, and the Raiders!

Love the Hornung photo for the charity wagering kickoff post, Jack!

Next year, Alex Karras.

I thought that was Jack sporting #5 for St. Peter's.

Shades of Fran Tarkenton! -- Tiny 5-foot-1 6th grader may be youngest QB to pass for a varsity TD

I thought that was Jack sporting #5 for St. Peter's.

In my day, St. Peter's did not have football (or if they did, nobody cared).

We did have one tree on campus, however -- the campus tree.

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