
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 19, 2012 2:00 PM. The previous post in this blog was Dean Wormer had nothing on these guys. The next post in this blog is From Matt Wuerker. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Thank goodness, this could never happen now

Corruption in awarding large public construction contracts in Portland! That era is long since past. Everything is squeaky-clean nowadays.

Comments (7)

Apparently the new-age meaning of the word ‘corruption’ differs from what I know. Help me here, is corruption a problem or just an issue to be addressed?

That $299 million price tag would build most of the I205 bridge which comes in at $382 million inflation adjusted.

see: http://www.nobridgetolls.com/i205.html

Seems a bit expensive for two lanes to cost 3/4 of what 6 longer lanes cost.


Corruption-Sellwood Bridge?

The cross section of the proposed bridge at midspan has 40 ft of the 64 ft total width dedicated to bikes and pedestrians, leaving 24 ft. for two lanes as they now exist. Sam now looks for savings to try to get the bridge under $300 Million.

Sam already stole $20 Million from the bridge which he gave to Milwaukie Lightrail without due public process. MLR needed seed money because to help pay for all the on-going construction without the yet to be disbursed federal funds. Sam/TriMet wants to get as much done to claim "we can't turn back now" after Clackamas Co. votes to turn down their $25 Million contribution.

Sam won't consider decreasing the inequitable cross section where 40 ft. of ped/bikes might be reduced to 32 ft. It's amazing that with over 99% of the traffic crossing the Sellwood is vehicular, that 63% of the cross section is dedicated to bikes/peds.

For the average citizen this is corruption. And we don't need attorneys to define it.

lw -

Its much worse than old style money swiping venal fiscal corruption.

Its a planner mind set expressed in a physical design intended to strangle the ability to get around by POV, and force folks into the time wasting and unsafe streetcar / Max farce, or onto bikes.

Stalinist behavior control at its worst.

I hasten to remind yo of the $180M we've dumped so far into the CRC thru David Evans. Oops, we screwed it up and have to start all over.

Good thing no one got fired and that Mr Obama's gonna fast track it now. THat ought to make it even more squeaky clean.

With businesses fully integrated into local governance, there is no need for corruption. The political class makes sure everybody gets a nice big fat piece of the pie with only a wink, wink, nudge, nudge - you know what I mean, you know what I mean?

"On the good ship I've Got Mine, my friends / Where money turns the wheel / You're in the black, the inside track / You're in on all the deals."
-- Tom Paxton

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