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August 11, 2012 7:09 PM.
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Wyden miffed at Romney snub.
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It's Mothra, for real.
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Comments (30)
Who cares about his spelling. It's his math we should be caring about. just like Portland and hundreds of other cities and states across the country, the US is in trouble. The country borrows 40 cents of every dollar spent. If people in PDX are worried about the city losing its prime assets, it's parks and historic sites to developers to pay its mounting debt, then multiply that concern a trillion times over and just try to figure a way out that doesn't involve changes in entitlement spending. If you don't want to go the route of Greece, then Paul Ryan is offering us a solution and we should be taking him up on it.
"If you don't address these issues now, they're going to steamroll us as a country. And the issue is the more you delay fixing these problems, the much uglier the solutions are going to be," Ryan told Borger in an interview last year. "We literally go about $10 trillion deeper in the hole of our unfunded government promises every year we delay fixing the problem."
Posted by Nolo | August 11, 2012 8:01 PM
He can probably spell it better'n Biden.
Posted by Steve | August 11, 2012 8:09 PM
It's a fair guess he knows how many states there are.... and how to pronounce corpsman..
Posted by tankfixer | August 11, 2012 8:10 PM
Yes, the nuns taught him.
But he can't see the Soviet Union from his house.
When I heard last night that it was going to be Ryan, I went to CNN's page. The very first comment said, "HuffPost says it is Paul Ryan. Congratulations to President Obama on his reelection."
And I think that's the election. Ryan will give the WSJ the economic debate it wants, Romney will try to pull Ryan to the center. If Ryan sticks to his stand, he will frighten people into voting for Obama. If he doesn't, and he has adjusted his policies in the past, the far-out right will abandon him as a compromiser, and maybe blame Romney for poisoning the poor guy's mind.
At least he is not as boring as Romney, which is a big relief.
No matter who wins, the economy will slowly improve as the middle class takes the hit as it figures out how to deal with the pain.
Posted by niceoldguy | August 11, 2012 8:14 PM
If Ryan was a local guy he would be slamming the Sam Rand crazies etc. exactly like BoJack.
Ryan is the ultimate fiscal common sense choice.
There is nothing frightening about him.
It's the left's dishonest derogatory caricature of him that they hope will frighten people.
The same thing happens to any fiscal conservative who runs for anything around here.
Posted by Ryan is sharp | August 11, 2012 9:40 PM
"fiscal responsibility" and Paul Ryan?
And here I thought SNL was on summer hiatus.
Posted by Raleigh | August 11, 2012 10:25 PM
Nolo is right on, as soon we may be selling such property as Mt. Rushmore and the White House to the Chinese and Russians so we can pay the interest on our debt. Its not a joke!
But meanwhile lets toss another $12 to TriMet.
Posted by Abe | August 11, 2012 10:27 PM
Raleigh: And here I thought SNL was on summer hiatus.
.. tax-expert-paul-ryans-smoke-and-mirrors-budget-would-increase-deficit
JK: No, SNL is just moved over to the pages of the Washington Post. I don’t suppose you noticed that their so called expert is at a liberal advocacy group?
One of their goals is “Requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share”.
I thought the wealthiest 1% already paid more than 1% of the nation’s tax.
I thought average wealthy individuals paid a higher percentage of their income in tax than the average person.
I thought average wealthy individuals paid more dollars in tax than the average person.
Am I wrong here?
Posted by jim karlock | August 11, 2012 11:03 PM
The deficits that Romney-Ryan would run with their obscene military buildup and absurd tax cuts would make the Sam Rands look like kindergartners. Substitute Haliburton for Homer Williams and add about three zeroes onto the ends of the numbers.
That plus three more Clarence Thomases? No thanks.
Posted by Jack Bog | August 11, 2012 11:04 PM
The American collapse: It's still the Bush Tax Cuts
Along with the Bush/Roberts court.
Posted by From Where I sit | August 11, 2012 11:58 PM
The deficits that Obama-Biden would run up with their obscene Obamacare and flattened (or worse) economy will make the Great Depression come alive for our children and grandchildren. If this negative economic juggernaut is not reversed, coming generations will be the subjects of Hayek's Road to Serfdom where the government controls the wealth of their labor through taxes and debt repayment. For some, this will not be a problem because they have already been conditioned to expect entitlements as a way of life, a habit of dependency that becomes addictive. At this point, just under half of Americans receive some form of government support, and the number is going up. Pick your poison, but I believe Obama has done and would do more to push us in the direction of individual dependency on government than any president and will get worse in regulations and top-down control. If a European socio-economic model is Obama's goal, the blueprint is already laid out and the endgame is clear. To point the finger at one government parasite (Haliburton) is to miss the bigger picture. Plus, there are thousands of Halliburtons doing business with cities and states all over the country. Any time public money is involved there is intentional waste and excess. After all, it's OPM and no one in charge cares. We should just limit what the government does in the first place.
As for the supremes, I would hope future judges are appointed based on their belief and knowledge of the constitution as the founding fathers intended it, not as a so-called "living document" that can be re-interpreted at will. I saw what situational ethics did to schools in the 70's and then all of society, and we are paying a big price. We are paying dearly for recent interpretations of "public good" in the Kelo decision, and the twisted concept of when is a penalty a tax.
This is an important election, and at all levels it seems citizens are fighting back against run-away government agendas and big debt. I don't see any difference at the national level except the consequences are far scarier.
Posted by Nolo | August 12, 2012 3:20 AM
To point the finger at one government parasite (Haliburton) is to miss the bigger picture.
Oh, come on. That was just one example. You sound really desperate. After yesterday, it's understandable.
Posted by Jack Bog | August 12, 2012 3:33 AM
“The deficits that Romney-Ryan would run. . .”
JK: Perhaps, but, Obama is waging a war on CO2 which would probably be worse.
If he succeeds as much as Hansen/Gore want, we would close all coal power plants. If he follows the Sierra club goals, he will then close all natural gas power plants and rip out the dams. At that point we have only solar and wind power. In other words almost NO POWER, at unaffordable costs. His energy secretary wants European level (or higher) gasolene prices. That will hurt people more than hyperinflation from runaway spending. At least we will still have heat, lights and motorized transportation.
And Obama has not exactly reigned in spending. My best guess is with the tea party influence, Romney will not go on a spending spree.
BTW, Isn’t Obama promoting higher urban density and light rail?
Posted by jim karlock | August 12, 2012 3:53 AM
Romney will not go on a spending spree.
Certainly not on feeding people. But maybe on killing people.
Posted by Jack Bog | August 12, 2012 4:30 AM
I'd rather have shrinking deficits in a growing economy, than growing deficits in a shrinking economy.
Time to start looking at the House and Senate races to determine where legislation, budgets, and court nominees will be going. President might set the agenda, but Congress is supposed to do the heavy lifting.
We've seen what the current administration is able to do. Time to give another team a chance to fix things, unless you like the growing dependency demographic. We need more people pulling the wagon rather than sitting in it.
Posted by Mike (one of the many) | August 12, 2012 8:12 AM
Budgets? What are those? And who needs 'em?
The real question's are:
Can he see Russia from his house?
Can he say 'you betcha'?
And are his babies his or children's?
Posted by Harry | August 12, 2012 8:37 AM
Romney will not go on a spending spree.
Certainly not on feeding people. But maybe on killing people.
Ah yes - Barry won a Nobel prize before he went on his drone-based killing spree. So his hands are all clean and fresh-smelling.
In any case, I'm looking forward to Ryan/Biden debates. They should be a big effin' deal.
Posted by Max | August 12, 2012 9:09 AM
Jack, I heard Ryan's even stooped to faking a pregnancy. You better look into that.
Posted by The Original Bob W | August 12, 2012 9:29 AM
deficits that Romney-Ryan would run
Like the ones that Obama-Biden are running?
Posted by bambi | August 12, 2012 9:58 AM
Game over. The Doofus' lose ( again).
There's always 2016.
Posted by Raleigh | August 12, 2012 9:59 AM
Jack says,
Romney-Ryan would run huge deficits with a obscene military buildup and absurd tax cuts, appoint three more Clarence Thomases, not feed people and go on a a killing spree?
Ryan proposed protecting military spending from the sharp automatic cuts the two parties agreed to in the debt ceiling showdown.
That is hardly a buildup or any signal Romney-Ryan would.
Continuing the Bush Tax Cuts may be absurd to the left but Obama is guilty of same.
Past SCOTUS appointments have shown there is little to no chance 3 Thomases would make it.
As for starving and killing people?
That's not very nice.
Ryan is also anti-human.:)
Posted by Ryan is Sharp | August 12, 2012 10:28 AM
even stooped to faking a pregnancy.
Bob, if you're so smart, why do you belong to a political party full of nutjobs and incompetents?
Posted by Jack Bog | August 12, 2012 12:46 PM
It is hilarious that some still see Obama as the peace candidate when in Iraq he merely executed the remainder of Bush's military plan (and now has the country packed with mercenaries), when his Barackness doubled and then tripled down on a useless and senseless killing exercise in Afganistan, and then supplied muscle and encouragement to thugs of dubious legitimacy in North Africa Middle East hot spots. If you guys want peace, you are not going to get it from Obama, not ever.
Posted by Newleaf | August 12, 2012 12:51 PM
to slightly go off topic, if we want peace we will adopt a war tax -- a law that increases some federal tax -- energy or fuel, something that can be laid on quick and automatically when war is declared or troops are committed. That will make it harder to be rash.
Posted by niceoldguy | August 12, 2012 1:23 PM
If we really want peace in today's world we should drill here and now, convert coal and natural gas to oil and stop sending ANY MONEY WHAT SO EVER to the middle east.
Let them just fade back to the stone age, where most of their leaders belong.
And allow easy immigration for any women that want to escape the region’s abuse to women.
Posted by jim karlock | August 12, 2012 1:47 PM
Jack - I'm not desperate. I think Ryan is an excellent choice for VP. I think that people are starting to see through Obama's bag of negative tricks and logic will prevail.
The main problem in this election is how Democrats frame their opponents' positions. The country has been treated to some of the most vile and shameful negative ads against Romney, and while negative advertising works, it has lowered political debate from the Obama camp,to nothing more than a backyard brawl. Nothing to be proud of. Obama doesn't mind spreading fear and loathing among the electorate. And fear is going to be what he uses against Ryan.
The country is being torn apart largely because of Obama' politics of fear, envy, and divide and conquer, but in the end, the country is worse for it. This is not a leader, this is a prize fighter with an agenda that has more to do with his own beliefs than those of the citizens -- or why else would he stoop to such manipulative and despicable tactics. If he was confident that he was what the country needed and wanted, he would ground his campaign on his ideas and specific plans and accomplishments, not constant trash talk.
Posted by Nolo | August 12, 2012 1:58 PM
Jack wrote: "Bob, if you're so smart, why do you belong to a political party full of nutjobs and incompetents?"
1. I'm not that smart, and B. You don't think there are nutjobs and incompetents in the Democratic party too?
Posted by The Original Bob W | August 12, 2012 3:35 PM
The country is being torn apart largely because of Obama' politics of fear, envy, and divide and conquer, but in the end, the country is worse for it. This is not a leader, this is a prize fighter with an agenda that has more to do with his own beliefs than those of the citizens -- or why else would he stoop to such manipulative and despicable tactics. If he was confident that he was what the country needed and wanted, he would ground his campaign on his ideas and specific plans and accomplishments, not constant trash talk.
Hmmm---Karma from Chimpy's '04 campaign coming home to roost???
Posted by jimbo | August 12, 2012 4:24 PM
I don't buy the tit for tat partisan blame AT ALL.
The country has been and is being torn apart mostly because of a reckless and inept congress and executive branch regardless of who is in power. They have been incapable of addressing anything of significance without making it worse. It should be obvious to most that there's been little difference during the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama run. The dysfunction and cost only grows.
All of the noisy left-right accusations of politics of fear, envy, and divide and conquer pales in comparison to in ability of our system to grasp and handle the enormity of our government.
There is no way Congress will fix anything. No matter who is elected if they do not face reality. Government is too big to handle. So for once I'd like to see a genuine fiscally conservative administration take a shot at it.
I'll stick to my pitch that the fine family man Ryan is much closer to a Bogdanski-like conservative than anything the left tries to concoct. The fact that he is a Republican doesn't sit well with the fiscally responsible/conservative democrats but let's get real.
The Bush/Clinton/Obama regimes have been huge failures and the county is now circling the drain in Euro-like fashion.
Posted by Ryan is sharp | August 12, 2012 6:50 PM
As an accountant who worked for local governments, I advocate for far more fiscally-prudent budgets than we'll likely see in my lifetime, short of bankruptcy. That said, it will be easy to portray Ryan/Romney's fiscal plans as class warfare. Too many middle aged, middle class citizens have borne the brunt of this recession, and don't/won't have the resources, for instance, to pay for an alternative to Medicare. And, politics has become so polarized solutions seem unlikely.
Posted by umpire | August 12, 2012 9:28 PM