
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 17, 2012 2:31 PM. The previous post in this blog was Alta can't get bike share computers to work. The next post in this blog is Have a great weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Portland wins first round in arts "income tax" game

A judge has ruled that the proposed Portland city tax for the arts is an income tax and not an unconstitutional head tax. If ever a ruling was apt for an appeal, that is it. Surely if the dumb thing passes, it will be back in court.

Comments (4)

If I'd purchased a home a block and a half further out, I wouldn't have to deal with the continuing Portland BS. Man, was that ever a bad move.

The interesting thing is that, according to the story, the judge also said that the ballot title must be changed from something like "levies tax of up to $35/year" to "levies tax of $35/year." It's hard to see how a flat tax of $35/year isn't a head tax, even if it passes over some heads.

There will probably be a tiny percentage of people who will owe something, but less than $35. And I do mean a teeny weeny number of people. Does that make it an "income tax"? And whatever it is, does the city have the power to impose it? That's got to go all the way up to the state supreme court. And imagine the expense of processing all the refunds if it's struck down! All the more reason to vote no.

Here is a plan, don't pay it and save them the trouble of having to give me a refund when it's overturned...

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