Membership has its privileges
A select few Portlanders will get a sneak preview ride on the east side streetcar line today:

And who are these elites?

The rest of us can go down and wave to our money if we want.
A select few Portlanders will get a sneak preview ride on the east side streetcar line today:
And who are these elites?
The rest of us can go down and wave to our money if we want.
Comments (17)
It's kind a like reading a Hollywood gossip column. I don't know any of those names.
Posted by David E Gilmore | August 15, 2012 7:00 AM
Mostly CoP employees who have nothing to do all day besides come up with "policy" so taking a few hours off to ride a train that barely beats walking is no great sacrifice.
Otherwise, the usual hangers-on (planners, developers, wanna-be govt employees) looking for an empty teat to suckle some govt largesse from.
Posted by Steve | August 15, 2012 7:23 AM
Will be expecting some solid and sustainable tweets emanating from the brand new choo choo!
Posted by pdxjim | August 15, 2012 7:31 AM
It's like a Hollywood gossip column for gaffers and grips and agents.
A lot of PBOT and Adams staffers plus some streetcar cheerleaders.
Posted by Garage Wine | August 15, 2012 7:34 AM
Some aboard!
Posted by Allan L. | August 15, 2012 8:02 AM
Further evidence that no one wanted this but inside supporters.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | August 15, 2012 8:41 AM
I've got to stick up for Cora Potter. She's a community activist in the Lents neighborhood, and I did an article about her once.
Posted by Bill McDonald | August 15, 2012 8:42 AM
What about the involuntary LID businesses along the route who will be gettIing a bill shortly?
I don't see any of those names! Like we would.
Posted by Portland Native | August 15, 2012 9:37 AM
Will they be serving kool aid on such a hot hot day?
Or would it be just desserts if the air conditioner wasn't working?
Posted by clinamen | August 15, 2012 10:57 AM
What about the involuntary LID businesses along the route
Wanna bet most of those businesses aren't in the future "plan"?
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | August 15, 2012 12:06 PM
This reminds me of a classic scenario that happened to me years ago. First, may I point out to Julie Gustafson that there is a way to hide email addresses in a group email. That way, there's less chance of everyone's address ending up on lists they don't want to be on - or in this case, displayed on a blog. Here's my example from the late '90s:
My radio prep company used to send out the daily sheet for the morning DJs in a group email. I send in as many as 86 jokes a day - usually around 50 - and one of the ways I keep score or get a feeling of reward, is by reading the sheet that night.
That's the difference between a TV joke and these radio ones. With TV, you get to hear the studio audience, and see how the joke tracked on the national lists, but with a radio joke delivered by a DJ in Namibia or Des Moines, you don't hear the audience, and seldom get any feedback.
So I was on the group email along with the addresses of around 140 radio stations, and before the home office learned how to hide the addresses, they were all listed with mine right there out in the open.
This meant the people harvesting the list thought I was just another radio station so every now and then, I'd be treated to an email saying, "Why are you using this show prep service? Your radio station should seriously think of canceling with them and joining us. Their writers suck."
Meanwhile, they didn't know they had emailed this to one of their writers - namely moi.
Hated it. Hide your email addresses, Julie. It's not that hard.
Posted by Bill McDonald | August 15, 2012 1:42 PM
Get in the Loopy.
Posted by dg | August 15, 2012 1:48 PM
Lots of dot/govs, dot/orgs, a few dot/edus. (I tried not to put more than one space between paragraphs)
But the sender's e mail is the the one that perked up my curiosity.
Now how many Portland residents have ever heard of THEM? Well, except for the dot/orgs & the dot/govs?
sojdotpdx From their website...traces to:
Shiels | Obletz | Johnsen Inc. 2006-2010 All Rights Reserved
"We can perform a full range of development services, or specific components, such as conduct feasibility analyses and market studies, structure and secure project financing, procure entitlements, plan and implement public relations strategies, manage the design process, , and administer the construction process."
"Since then Mr. Shiels has been a force behind many of Portland's most important civic projects, including the Transit Mall, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Westside Light Rail, Banfield Light Rail and, most recently, the Portland Streetcar project."
So next time I need to "...implement public relations strategies" or "...garner political support" I'll know who can take care of that for me.
Posted by ltjd | August 15, 2012 5:09 PM
Shoshanah Oppenheim is exemplifies the worst of the worse when it comes to CoP workers. She is absolutely the rudest, most self-important person I have come across, which says a lot given all the self-important people in city government. She is also another Sam Adams shill who has never really worked in the private sector.
Posted by Joel C | August 15, 2012 5:43 PM
Shoshanah Oppenheim exemplifies the worst of the worse when it comes to CoP workers. She is absolutely the rudest, most self-important person I have come across, which says a lot given all the self-important people in city government. She is also another Sam Adams shill who has never really worked in the private sector.
Posted by Joel C | August 15, 2012 5:43 PM
Congratulations. We now have an e-mail list that TriMet can use to bombard "Please, why can't you ride our other services? We need the ridership boost! Remember we have a lot of bus lines too!"
Or, a bunch of people who would rather drive a HUMMER H1 than be seen on a Portland transit vehicle co-mingling with us commoners.
Posted by Erik H. | August 15, 2012 8:01 PM
A lot of gov employees and activist types formerly employed by the Gubmint. Very few on this list contributed a single penny to these trains to nowhere. Way to go again trimet and COP - we get it that you have no regard for those that pay your bills.
Posted by JamesR | August 15, 2012 8:46 PM