Farewell to the 9 Broadway
Since we first started living in Northeast Portland 30 years ago, one of the constants has been the Tri-Met bus line that runs down Regents Drive, 24th, and Broadway, thence to downtown and back east out Powell. It's the no. 9 line, in a numerical sequence that has included the 4 along Williams, the 6 on MLK, the Crazy 8 on 15th, and, at one time, the 10 on 33rd. (Once upon a time there may have also been a 5 and a 7, but we never knew them.)
To get to our neck of the woods from downtown, there was traditionally also the Fremont bus -- first labeled the 33, then the 41. But that option was removed a while back when the Fremont bus was cut off at Emanuel Hospital; these days the anemic leftover from that service reduction, mostly empty whenever we've seen it, is called the 24. The 10 stopped going downtown a long time ago as well; now it's got some number in the 70's, we think, and it quits at the Rose Quarter.
With all the service cuts in recent years, they have never messed with the 9. Starting next weekend, however, the 9 Broadway will be no more. There will still be a bus that goes downtown along the same route, but henceforth it will be rechristened the 17. And in order to go out Powell, riders will have to changes buses downtown:

The change of the number won't affect anybody much. But we remember when our neighbor's son used to ride the 9 all the way through downtown and over on Powell to Cleveland High School, where he thrived. He's all grown up now, but nowadays, he'd have to change buses downtown. Maybe he wouldn't have gone to Cleveland for that reason. Anyway, farewell to the 9 Broadway, and long live the 17.
Comments (20)
I would like to witness all of the Tri-Met executives forced to ride the busses all the time. No cars or bikes or even trains for them!
Posted by Portland Native | August 25, 2012 10:55 AM
The 17 was the bus I took to the NW Industrial district (Montgomery Park area), through Guild's Lake and out to either Sauvie Island or St. Johns via Hwy. 30 and the St. Johns bridge. I heard that they might be cutting that run out to St. Johns which is unfortunate since the only other way to get there is either to bus out of the Rose Quarter on Greeley to Lombard and transfer to travel west on Lombard or take the MAX to Interstate and Lombard and switch to yet another (usually overcrowded) bus headed west.
Bus number roulette caused all sorts of confusion awhile ago when they changed the number on the Greeley bus and the elder neighbors didn't understand.
Please. Bring back the Rose City Bus Service.
Posted by NW Portlander | August 25, 2012 11:23 AM
Don't hold me to it, but I think the No. 5 bus used to go to Vancouver. The MAX Yellow line probably took that away.
Posted by John | August 25, 2012 12:35 PM
I think that one disappeared with C-TRAN.
Posted by Jack Bog | August 25, 2012 12:42 PM
They could have kept the route if they didn't buy those ridiculous bus stop signs...
I wonder what kind of premium was paid for those?
Posted by Anthony | August 25, 2012 1:17 PM
The 5 did indeed run from downtown Portland to Vancouver.
Posted by Random | August 25, 2012 1:21 PM
"The 5 did indeed run from downtown Portland to Vancouver."
...and years ago, featured the only regular three-card monte game on TriMet.
Posted by Random | August 25, 2012 1:22 PM
Over here on the west side of the Willamette I have been riding the 17 to travel between downtown (where I work) to Nob Hill (where I live).
Now they're sending the 17 east across the Steele Bridge and the 77 is moving over to the NW Everett/Glisan couplet from its old route on Lovejoy/Northrup.
The reason for this change, I believe, is due to the streetcar alignment on Lovejoy/Northrup.
TriMet management cannot seem to understand that for the vast majority of their bus passengers the streetcar is not a desired leg of any routine transit journey. (Well, it's either that or they don't give a sh*t.)
Posted by reader | August 25, 2012 2:05 PM
TriMet's new motto:
"We don't give a sh*t"
Posted by reader | August 25, 2012 2:06 PM
It is all for a good cause:
Building more Light rail.
Posted by jim karlock | August 25, 2012 2:20 PM
They could have kept the route if they didn't buy those ridiculous bus stop signs...
I wonder what kind of premium was paid for those?
Don't know, but I read recently that it costs around $2500 to install a new sign.
Posted by Max | August 25, 2012 2:54 PM
Over on my side of town there will be no more 17 to holgate or through the transit mall. No way down 5th from NW PDX! Thanks Trimess!
Posted by Al M | August 25, 2012 3:13 PM
Portland native, if the TriMet managers rode the bus at least once a week, they'd quickly learn what a problem it is to commute.
Bonus points if they have to transfer at least once, and have to leave their nice car at a Park-n-Ride.
I'm atop a steep hill, 2 miles from the nearest bus stop, and not infirm enough to use the on-demand short buses. So I'll be using my car until pigs start flying.
Mess transit doesn't help me at all here. I do however use it in many other metro areas that don't seem to get the accolades that our toy transit system frequently garners.
Posted by Mike (one of the many) | August 25, 2012 5:07 PM
While enjoying the early-afternoon sun in Washington Park last week, I noticed the 63 passing by every 10-15 minutes with one or two riders. If only Tri-Met protected major eastside routes as stubbornly...
Posted by tkonestoga | August 25, 2012 7:42 PM
I could commute to my workplace in Clackamas from NE PDX and back if I wanted to spend nearly four, yeas four hours on the bus and train each day.
Thank you no Trimet, once you demonstrate that the public's time is worth something I'll consider using your "service". Until then I'll drive.
Posted by tankfixer | August 25, 2012 8:14 PM
I don't see what he problem is here, as I'm sure the Light Rail and Streetcar systems can pick up the slack and get everyone to where ever they need to be in short order.
Posted by Rusty | August 26, 2012 8:22 AM
Re. the 63 Washington Park comment . . . I continue to watch in disbelief as TriMet continues to defend the #15 Thurman bus. Cut after cut and change after change to routes that commuters and the elderly and low-income depend upon but the #15 NW Thurman is untouchable. Thurman dead ends at Leif Erickson Drive and the bus doesn't even go that far up the hill . . . into a wealthy neighborhood where homeowners possess one or more expensive cars. Whenever I've ridden this "leg" of the 15, everyone gets off at the 23rd Avenue end and the empty bus proceeds up the hill. Awhile ago, there was a brouhaha about cutting the leg because of the difficult back and fill turnaround point at the top of Thurman. Rather than 86ing, they paid a bundle for study and put up signage (maybe a light? I don't recall). I should say, WE paid so that a small, wealthy enclave could keep "their" TriMet service that they don't even appear to use.
Posted by NW Portlander | August 26, 2012 11:07 AM
Y'know, they keep pushing these bunker condos partly on the basis that they are "located on mass transit lines".
How can they continue to assure that? They keep terminating lines right and left, how can anybody be assured that the transit line will even be there next year?
As a result, I think that a total moratorium should be placed on building permits for multi-unit dwellings without any off-street parking. At least until they can assure us that the transit lines will remain.
Posted by godfry | August 26, 2012 11:56 AM
The whole idea is to convince bus riders (and those living near the bus lines) that the bus system is so miserable and horrible, that accepting a MAX line is the only savior for transit in their neighborhoods.
But, they can't eliminate the bus line altogether; or else TriMet would lose the ability to collect taxes. So there has to be SOME bus service.
My understanding was that the Fremont bus was actually pretty popular and well-used. Of course TriMet, in its infinite wisdom, changed it, and ridership dropped. Thus, TriMet can argue that "more people prefer MAX than the bus" as bus ridership drops and MAX ridership increases.
When bus ridership increases (like it did last month), the P.R. machine has to shift gears. Notice the amount of attention given to the "record-breaking WES ridership" last month...but the bus ridership statistic was largely glossed over.
Posted by Erik H. | August 26, 2012 5:08 PM
They just stuck similar signs to the poles on the 43 line, Taylors Ferry. Haven't gone over to read one yet, but I noticed they looked a lot like the ones pictured here.
Posted by Max | August 26, 2012 5:13 PM