East county tragicomedy reaches new level

Nothing says juvenile like the Troutdale City Council, but they're really outdoing themselves these days. The council has called for Mayor Jim Kight to resign, and vice versa. It's all about a highly questionable "office building" that Kight built next to his home, with bureaucratic acquiescence.
Comments (6)
He just needs a sign in front of the structure complaining about banks, start calling it Occupy Troutdale, and it's all good...
Posted by zonedar | August 12, 2012 12:32 PM
First he called it a "shed". Now it's a 2 BR "office" with kitchen, bath, and basement (in a flood zone).
The antics out there have been highly amusing for several years.
Posted by Max | August 12, 2012 2:07 PM
Is there any good reason for government to have this much control over what one does on one's own property?
Posted by jim karlock | August 12, 2012 5:32 PM
Why, yes there is, Jim - glad you asked.
It's called zoning, and this is a residential R-20 zone and entirely situated within a 100-year flood plain. You can't have two residences without dividing (and this does fit the definition of a residence - regardless of calling it a "shed", anything with two baths and a kitchen is probably a residence) and you can't divide in a flood hazard zone.
But somehow I doubt that it will end here with you. So let me just ask you - if I want to locate an animal rendering plant next to your residence, would you extend this same reasoning to my plans?
Posted by John Rettig | August 13, 2012 1:03 AM
John Rettig: if I want to locate an animal rendering plant next to your residence, would you extend this same reasoning to my plans?
JK: Ahh, the old rendering plant progressive red herring!
The issue is NOT a common nuisance like a polluting rendering plant (Can I assume that you mean a rendering plant that pollutes the neighborhood, as opposed to one that is undetectable to its neighbors?), it is about what one does on one's property that DOES NOT AFFECT others. (Why do progressives have so much trouble telling the difference between harming a neighbor vs harming only one’s self?)
If he gets flooded out, that is between him and his insurance company (if he has one.). If there is some government cost such as low cost insurance, that is merely another government subsidy to bad behavior that we need to get rid of.
Posted by jim karlock | August 13, 2012 4:02 AM
Too bad Portland's City Council didn't ask the Mayor to step down.
His transgressions far exceed building code violations.
Posted by Mister Tee | August 13, 2012 7:47 AM