
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 10, 2012 8:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was Another parting gift from the Sam Rands: fluoride. The next post in this blog is Breaking news: Portland economy is doing great. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Covered reservoirs not safe, either

Portland city officials are playing scare games with the public about the safety of the city's uncovered reservoirs. But this contamination incident, which the city didn't say a word about until questioned, took place at a covered, underground reservoir. Don't expect the mainstream media to highlight that fact.

Comments (4)

In today's Portland, as far as politicians are concerned there is no right or wrong, no truth or lie, only information management.

Beyond the vandalism, covered reservoirs are far less healthy than water that is allowed to be disinfected by sunlight (even through clouds).

Scott Fernandez can provide detailed information about why covered reservoirs are a bad idea.

And as we can see, not any more safe from idiots.

Hmmm. Idiots dump traffic cones and hydrochloric acid into a covered reservoir and that's considered stupid but harmless. However, the city needs to drain an open reservoir because one hipster pees into it. I guess the folks in Mount Tabor aren't paying enough into the "Get Sam Adams A Job As A Washington Lobbyist" fund to suit him.

With Admiral Randy at the helm siphoning off ratepayer funds for his own priority non-delivery of service slush fund, how can anybody expect safe,

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